ключови думи

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
2013-2014 Action Plan (1) 2020 Belarus protests (1) 24/7 Network (1)
24/7 сеть (1) 2D simulation engine (1) 3D (1)
3D modeling (1) 3D simulation (1) 3D simulation engine (1)
3D моделиране (1) 3M-Conception (1) A2/AD (2)
Abkhazia (1) Abu Bakr (1) academic dishonesty (1)
academic major (1) academic network (1) access control (2)
access to information (1) accident (1) accountability (13)
ACCS (1) acquisition (3) acquisition management (1)
acqusition (1) action plan (2) Active Endeavour (1)
active measures (1) Active Reserve (1) actor (1)
actors of change (1) adaptability (1) adaptation (1)
adaptive control (1) adaptive Doppler filtering (2) adaptive hybrid estimation (1)
adaptiveness (1) Additional Protocol (1) ADKAR (1)
ADL (6) advanced air capabilities. (1) advanced distributed learning (4)
Advanced Information Technology (1) advanced persistent threats (1) advanced security assurance case (1)
Advanced Technology Demonstrations (1) advantages (1) adversarial images (1)
advertisement (1) aerodynamic (1) Afghanistan (3)
agent (1) Agent Architecture (1) agent models (1)
agent of influence (1) agent-based (1) agent-based simulation (1)
aggregated combat simulations (1) aggression (2) agility (4)
agriculture (1) AHP (2) Ahrar al Sham (1)
AI (4) Air Doctrine (1) Air Expeditionary Wing (1)
air force capabilities (1) Air Force Missions (1) Air Force Modernisation (1)
air force technologies (1) Air Force Transformation (3) air operations (1)
Air power (1) Air Situation Simulator (1) aircraft motion models (1)
airport (2) airport security (2) airpower (2)
Airpower Model (1) airspace (1) airspace control authority (1)
Al Qaeda (1) al-Nusra (1) Al-Qaeda (3)
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (1) Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (1) al-Qaida (1)
al-Shabaab (1) alarm receiving system. (1) Albania (2)
Aleksandr Lukashenka (1) algorithmic noise (1) allied operations (1)
Alternative futures (2) ambiguity (1) Amniyat (1)
analysis (3) Analysis of Alternatives (2) analysis tool (1)
analytical hierarchy process. (1) and post-crisis operations. (1) and threats; system approach to security systems’ functional aspects analysis (1)
anomaly (1) anomaly detection (1) anonymity (2)
ANSSI (1) anti-access (1) anti-corruption (1)
antiquities (1) antiterrorist operation (1) antivirus software. (1)
anyplace (1) anytime (1) Apartheid (1)
applied competences (1) AQ (1) AQAP (1)
Arab Spring (2) architectural models (1) architecture (3)
Architecture for Model Integration (1) area denial (1) argumentative negotiation (1)
armaments planning (1) armed forces (7) Armed Forces transformation (3)
arms control (2) army (1) art (1)
artificial immune systems (1) artificial inteligence (1) artificial intelligence (12)
artificial neural networks (1) artillery (1) ASAC (1)
ASCE plug-in (1) aspect-based sentiment analysis (1) assemblage (2)
assessment (3) assets (1) assignment (1)
assignments (1) Assumption-based Planning (1) assurance level. (1)
Assurance Method (1) assurance requirements (1) asylum (1)
asymmetric cryptosystems (1) asymmetric response (1) Asymmetric Threats (2)
attack (1) attack surface parameters (1) attack-surface (1)
attacks against IoT. (1) attribute data processing (1) attribution (2)
attribution theory (2) atypical employment (1) audio (1)
audit (2) auditing (1) augmented reality (1)
authenticated encryption (1) authentication (6) Authoring tools (1)
authoritarianism (2) authorization (1) auto-encoding (1)
automated design (1) automated learning (1) automated management system (1)
Automatic identification system (1) automatic translation (1) automation (2)
automaton (1) Autonomous guided vehicles. (1) autonomous platform (1)
autonomy (1) availability (1) awareness (5)
awareness based training (1) awareness-raising (1) Ayman al-Zawahiri (1)
Azerbaijan (1) B-61 (2) B-method (1)
bachelor program (1) balance (2) balance of consequences (1)
balance of threat theory (1) balanced scorecard (8) Balkan Region (1)
Balkans (2) ballistic missile (1) Baltic Battalion (1)
Baltics (1) bank card (1) bank clearing (1)
Barack Obama (2) Bayesian algorithms (1) Bayesian Decision-Making (1)
behavioural model (1) behavioural patterns (1) Belarus-Russia relations (1)
Belarusian sovereignty (1) Belarusian statehood (1) belief functions (2)
benchmark (1) benefits (1) BI (1)
bias (1) big data (8) bilinear Pairing (1)
BIN (2) binary relation (1) bio-integrated systems (2)
bio-terrorism (1) Biological weapons (1) biomedical ethics (1)
Biometric (2) biometric identification (1) biometric system (1)
BIOS (1) biosecurity (1) Black Sea (3)
Black Sea region (1) Black Sea security (3) Black Swan theory (1)
Blacklists (1) BlackSeaFor (2) Blind Signature (1)
block chain (1) block cypher (1) Block Truncation Coding (1)
blockchain (3) Blurring Borders between External and Internal Security (1) Boko Haram (2)
Boolean Algebra (1) border crossing (1) border security (1)
borders (1) Bosnia (1) Bosnia and Herzegovina (2)
botnet (1) Britain (1) Browser Indicators (1)
Budapest Convention (1) budget (1) budget transparency (2)
Budget Transparency Initiative (1) budgeting (3) budgeting. (1)
Building Integrity (1) Bulgaria (8) Bulgarian Armed Forces (2)
Bulgarian universities. (1) Bulgaria’s defence reform (1) business model (1)
business risk (1) business-critical infrastructure (1) C2 (1)
C2 capabilities (1) C2 management (1) C2 principles (1)
C2IS (1) C3 (1) C4 (1)
C4 project management (1) C4I (3) C4I systems (3)
C4ISR (5) C4ISR Architecture (1) C4ISR capabilities (1)
C4ISR Structural Approach (1) C4ISR systems; operational (1) caliphate (1)
caliphate; internet; ISIS; radicalization; relational development; social media; terrorism; Twitter (1) CALL (2) CAM (1)
campaigns (1) CAOC (1) capabilities (9)
Capabilities Development (1) capabilities-based assessment (1) capabilities-based defense planning (1)
capabilities-based planning (3) capability (2) Capability Assessment Methodology (1)
Capability costing (1) capability delivery (1) capability development (5)
Capability Discussion Matrix (1) capability divelopment (1) capability gaps (1)
capability maturity models (1) capability portfolio (1) capability prioritization (1)
capability requirements review (1) capacity (1) capacity building (2)
capture the flag (1) case study (1) CASoS (1)
Catastrophe Loss Models (1) Caucasus (3) cause-effect relation (1)
CAX (9) CAX Management environment (1) CBRN (1)
CBRNE (1) CCIS (1) CCNA Security curriculum (1)
CDMA (1) cellular automata (1) cellular automata model of conflict (1)
cellular communications (1) Central Asia (7) Central Europe (1)
Central Ukrainian Uranium Province (1) centralisation (2) centralised organisation (1)
centralized management (1) Centre of Excellence (1) centre of gravity. (1)
CERT (3) certification (1) certification authority (1)
certification program (1) CFACC (1) CFE (1)
Chad (1) challenge-response (1) challenges (2)
change management (4) chaos (1) Character Segmentation (1)
characteristics (1) charge back (1) Charter of the United Nations (1)
Chechnya (1) checks and balances (1) chemical elements migration (1)
chemical weapons (1) Chief Information Officer (2) child abuse material (1)
China (8) China military leadership (1) cholera (1)
CIED (2) CIIP; security; cyber threats; conventional vs. IT-related security threats; infrastructure vulnerability; CIIP R&D; network society. (1) CIMIC (1)
CIO (2) CIO Responsibilities (1) CIO Roles (1)
CIP (3) CIRC (2) Cisco Systems’ courses (1)
citizen resilience (1) civ-mil coordination (3) civil assistance (1)
Civil Emergencies (1) Civil protection (7) civil rights (1)
Civil Security (3) civil society (4) civil society organizations (1)
civil society; policy (1) Civil to Military cooperation and integra­tion (1) civil watchdogs (1)
civil-military (1) Civil-Military Combination Strategies (1) civil-military cooperation (4)
Civil-military interaction (1) Civil-Military Interoperability (5) Civil-military relations (5)
civilian aspect of diplomacy (1) civilian control (3) civilian oversight (1)
CJTF (1) classification (3) classroom (1)
Clausewitz (1) client-server complexes (1) client/server. (1)
climate change (4) cloud (1) Cloud computing (4)
cloud environment (1) cloud technologies (1) cloud testing (1)
cluster (1) clustering (1) Clustering algorithm (2)
clustering method (1) clustering with outliers (1) clusters (1)
cluttered environment (1) CNO (1) CNO; malicious computer-mediated activities; interdependencies created by network-based power; private sector - government cooperation; IT-related security regimes. (1)
CNOs (1) co-creation (1) co-reference resolution (1)
coalition (2) coalition aerospace operations center (1) coalition ATO (1)
coalition command and control (1) coalition interoperability (1) Coalition operations (2)
coastal areas risks (1) coastal cellular coverage (1) code of conduct (2)
code of ethics (1) coding (1) cognitive (2)
Cognitive Approach (1) cognitive aspects (1) Cognitive attack (1)
cognitive bias (1) cognitive hacking (1) Cognitive Modeling (1)
cognitive visualization (1) cognitive warfare (1) coherence (1)
cohesion (1) cold boot (1) Cold War (1)
collaboration (3) collaboration-oriented architecture (1) collaborations (1)
collaborative decision-making (1) collaborative development (1) collaborative learning (1)
collaborative network organisation (2) Collaborative Network Organization (2) Collaborative Network Organizations (2)
collaborative networked organisation (1) Collaborative Networked Organisations (1) collaborative networks (1)
collaborative work (1) collective security (1) com-parative analysis (1)
Combat Potential (1) Combination rules (1) combined operation (1)
Combined Operations (1) ComBlackSeaNavMet (1) Command & Control (1)
command and control (12) Command and Control Information Systems (1) Command and control technologies (1)
Command Post Exercise (2) commissioned officer (1) common cause failures (2)
common challenges (1) common criteria. (1) Common Foreign and Security Policy (1)
common funding (2) Common Security and Defence Policy (2) common threat perception (1)
communication (3) communication technology (1) Communications (5)
Communications and Information Systems (1) community (1) company (1)
comparative analysis (1) comparative development (1) comparative legal analysis (1)
competence (1) competence development (1) competence framework (1)
competencies (2) competition (1) competition continuum (1)
complex adaptive systems (1) complex crisis situations (1) complex dynamic systems (1)
Complex man-machine systems (1) complex systems (1) Complex systems; object-modelling techniques; monitoring (1)
complexity (3) complexity studies (1) complexity theory (2)
compliance (2) compliant motion (1) composite cyber risk (1)
Comprehensive approach (14) Comprehensive Approach. (1) comprehensive ap­proach (1)
Comprehensive security (2) comprehen¬sive approach (1) Computation Node (1)
Computational Intelligence (1) computational propaganda (1) Computer Aided Dispatch (1)
computer aided exercises (CAX). (2) Computer Assisted eXercises (1) Computer Assisted Exercises (CAX) (2)
Computer generated forces (2) computer graphics (1) computer networks (2)
computer security (2) computer systems reliability (1) Computer Virology (1)
computer-assisted language learning (1) Computing Laboratory (1) concept (3)
Concept Development & Experimentation (1) Concept Development and Experimentation (1) conceptual (1)
Conceptual model (1) Conceptual Research Oriented Combat Agent Distillation Implemented in the Littoral Environment (1) Conference Key Distribution System (1)
confidence building (2) confidence- and security-building measures (1) confidence-building (1)
confidentiality (1) conflict (10) Conflict management (1)
conflict modeling (1) conflict modelling (1) conflict resilience (1)
conflict resolution (1) Conjunctive rule (1) CONOPS (1)
consolidation (1) Consortium. (1) conspiracy theories (1)
Constraint Satisfaction/Propagation (1) construction (2) constructive roles (1)
contact point (1) content analysis (1) content monitoring system (1)
context (2) context scenario (2) context scenarios (1)
context translation (1) contextual scenario (1) Continuous DSmT (1)
contract management (1) contribution (1) control (1)
control system (2) Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (1) conventional conflict (1)
conventional forces (1) convergence (1) convex combination (1)
con¬trol (1) Cookies (1) cooperation (17)
Cooperative Defence Projects (1) Cooperative development team (1) cooperative procurement (2)
cooperative security (2) coordination (8) coping (1)
Copy attack (1) copyright (1) Copyright Protection Scheme (1)
corona virus (1) correlation infrastructure (1) corrupt government (1)
corruption (13) corruption effects (1) corruption factors (1)
corruption networks (1) cost effectiveness (1) Cost Module (1)
cost-effectiveness (1) costing (1) COTS (1)
COTS software (1) Council of Europe (1) counter-cyberterrorism (1)
counter-intelligence (1) Counter-terrorism (6) counterbalance (1)
countering hybrid threats (1) countering violent extremism (1) counterinsurgency (2)
counterintelligence (1) Counterterrorism (9) counterterrorism strategy (1)
coupling factors (1) coverage radius (1) Covid 19 (1)
COVID-19 (30) Covid-19 pandemic (2) COVID19 (1)
creating profiles (1) credit card. (1) Creeping Dissolution of the Monopoly of National Power (1)
crew training (1) crime (1) crime of aggression (1)
crime-terror nexus (1) Crimea (3) criminal activity (1)
criminal business (1) crises (2) crisis (6)
crisis generalized net (1) crisis management (22) crisis management architecture (1)
crisis management operations (1) crisis management strategy (1) crisis management structures (1)
crisis management. (1) crisis operations (1) crisis plans (1)
Crisis Response (1) crisis response operations (1) criteria for non-flammability (1)
critical energy infrastructure (1) critical energy infrastructure protection (2) critical information infrastructure (2)
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (3) Critical Infrastructure (21) Critical Infrastructure Protection (7)
critical infrastructure; Critical Infrastructure Protection; comprehensive security; security policy; coordination; collaboration (1) Critical infrastructures (2) critical infrastruc¬ture (1)
critical junctures (1) Critical Success (1) critique (1)
CROCADILE (1) cross-border resiliency (1) cross-cultural comparison (1)
cross-domain coercion (2) cross-impact (1) cross-sectoral approach (1)
cryptanalysis (1) cryptocurrency (1) cryptographic keys generation (1)
cryptographic software (1) cryptography (12) cryptography protocols (1)
CSBMs (1) CSDM Views (15) CSDP (3)
CSOs (1) CSTO (1) CTF (1)
cultural environments (1) culture (6) curriculum (3)
Customer Relationship Management (1) cyber (4) Cyber Aggregator (1)
cyber arms race (1) cyber attack prevention (1) cyber attacks (2)
cyber confidence-building measures (1) cyber conflict (1) Cyber defence (8)
cyber defense (2) cyber digital skills (1) cyber diversity (1)
cyber domain (3) Cyber Ecosystem (1) cyber education cybersecurity education cyber range serverless faas (1)
cyber hygiene (1) cyber maturity (1) cyber model (1)
cyber operations (8) cyber picture (1) cyber protection (1)
cyber range (6) cyber range platform (1) cyber research exercises (1)
cyber resilience (7) cyber risk (2) cyber risk assessment (1)
cyber risks (2) cyber security (20) Cyber security community (1)
cyber security culture (1) Cyber Situational Awareness (1) cyber skills (1)
cyber space (1) cyber systems (1) cyber technologies (1)
cyber threat (2) cyber threat information sharing (1) cyber threat intelligence (1)
cyber threats (12) cyber training (1) cyber war (3)
cyber warfare (3) cyber warfare; morphology; human mind as target; neocortical warfare; information attacks; international law. (1) cyber-energy nexus (1)
Cyber-physical system (1) cyber-physical systems (2) cyber-social vulnerabilities (1)
cyber-terrorism (1) CyberAggregator (1) cyberat-tack (1)
cyberattack (7) cyberattacks (2) cybercrime (12)
cybercrime roles (1) cyberpace (1) Cyberse-curity (1)
Cybersecurity (86) Cybersecurity Act (1) cybersecurity areas (1)
cybersecurity attitude (1) cybersecurity awareness (1) cybersecurity behaviour (1)
cybersecurity challenges (1) cybersecurity community (1) cybersecurity competence network (1)
cybersecurity controls (1) Cybersecurity culture (1) cybersecurity cyberattacks scenario space capability requirements (1)
cybersecurity ecosystems (1) cybersecurity ethics (1) cybersecurity governance (1)
Cybersecurity Innovation (1) cybersecurity knowledge (1) cybersecurity management practices (1)
cybersecurity maturity assessment (1) cybersecurity mesh (1) cybersecurity organisation (1)
cybersecurity platform (1) cybersecurity policy (1) cybersecurity policy private sector citizens’ contribution prevention (1)
cybersecurity program (1) cybersecurity questionnaire (1) cybersecurity resilience research management Bulgaria (1)
cybersecurity skills (1) cybersecurity standards (1) cybersecurity strategy (4)
cybersecurity system (1) cybersecurity taxonomy (1) cybersecurity threats (2)
cybersecurity training (1) cybersecurity training methodology (1) cybersecurity transcedents (1)
cyberspace (10) cyberterrorism (3) cyberwar (3)
Cyberwar; information society; risk perception; risk society; cyber risks: physical vs. virtual; US policy response; cyber attacks; critical information infrastructures; information warfare; public-private sector partnership. (1) cyberwarfare (1) Cynefin (1)
CyRADARS (1) Czech Republic (2) Czechoslovakia (2)
daily human needs (1) dark web (1) DAT (1)
data aggregation (1) data analysis (1) data centre (1)
data collection (1) data engineer (1) data engineering (1)
Data Fusion (3) Data governance (1) Data Hiding (1)
data loss (1) data mining (4) Data Modeling (1)
data platforms (1) data privacy (1) data processing; target tracking; adaptive estimation; linear prediction (1)
data protection (1) data range (1) data science (2)
data science as a service (1) Data/User Privacy (1) database (1)
database-as-a-service (1) Dayton Agreement (1) DBSCAN (1)
DCAF (3) DDoS attacks (1) de-perimetrization (1)
decentralized data platforms (1) decentral¬ized management (1) deception (1)
deception operations (1) Decision Analysis (1) decision making (2)
Decision Support (7) decision support system (2) decision support systems (2)
Decision-making (5) Decision-making process (2) Decision-making. (1)
decision-support (1) dedovshchina (1) deductive approach (1)
DEEP (3) deep learning (2) defects (1)
defence (7) defence acquisition (2) defence against terrorism (2)
defence and security (1) defence and security policy (1) defence audit. (1)
defence budget (3) defence budgeting (1) defence capabilities (5)
Defence capability (1) defence capa­bilities (1) defence ecosystem (1)
defence expenditure (1) defence expenditures. (1) Defence governance (2)
defence industry (1) defence institution building (2) defence institution building. (1)
defence management (4) defence planning (5) Defence Planning Procedure (1)
defence polic defence planning (1) defence policy (11) defence policy model (1)
defence policy review (1) Defence procurement (2) Defence reform (3)
Defence resource management (3) defence resources (1) Defence Sector (3)
defence spending (1) defence staff (1) Defence Support to Civilian Authorities (3)
defence transformation (1) defense (4) defense acquisition (3)
defense acquisition management (1) defense and security sector (1) defense capabilities initiative (1)
defense cooperation (1) defense economics (1) Defense Education Enhancement Program (1)
defense industrial complex (1) defense industrial policy (1) Defense Information infrastructure (1)
Defense Institution Building (6) defense management (1) defense planning (1)
defense planning process (1) defense planning risks (1) defense policy (1)
Defense policy; Foresight-based defense planning; Scenario; Drivers; Defense expenditures (1) defense politics (1) Defense procurement (1)
defense procurement policy (1) defense R&D. (2) defense reform (4)
Defense reorganization (1) Defense resource management (1) Defense Resource Management Model (DRMM) (1)
defense resource program management (1) defense sector reform (1) defense support to civilian authorities (2)
delegated transactions (1) deliberate planning (1) democracy (3)
democratic control (3) democratic governance (1) democratic oversight (2)
democratic resilience (1) democratization (1) demographics (1)
Dempster-Shafer (1) Dempster-Shafer theory (1) Dempster’s rule (1)
denial (1) dependability indicators (1) Dependable Computing System (1)
dependency parsing (1) deployable air force packages (1) design (2)
Design of information security systems (1) desk research (1) destructive roles (1)
determinant (1) deterministic computer model (1) deterministic scenario (1)
Deterrence (8) deterritorialization (1) developing countries (1)
development (1) development program (1) development strategy (1)
Dezert-Smarandache Theory (1) de­fense capabilities (1) diagnostic (1)
DIB (3) diceware passphrase (1) Diffie-Hellman algorithm (1)
DIGILIENCE (1) digital citizenship (1) Digital Competences (2)
digital development (1) digital disruption (1) Digital divide; civil society; global governance decision-making; grass-roots empowerment; plurality of voices (1)
digital forensics (2) digital future (1) digital healthcare (1)
digital image processing (1) digital learning infrastructure (1) digital literacy (1)
digital signature (1) Digital Signature. (1) digital terrain elevation data (1)
digital transformation (11) Digital Twin (1) digitalization (1)
digitization (1) diplomacy (1) direct energy (1)
Direct Task (1) Directorate for Emergency Management (1) disadvantages (1)
disarmament (1) Disaster (2) Disaster Management (2)
disaster preparedness (9) disaster relief (1) disaster response (13)
disaster risk (2) disaster risk management (1) Disaster Scenario (1)
disasters (1) discourse (1) discrete dynamic optimization. (1)
Discrete Logarithm Problem (1) Discrete Logarithm. (1) disinformation (6)
Disintegration (1) displaced women (1) dissemination (1)
Distance course (1) distance learning (5) distance learning systems. (1)
distant work (1) Distributed Computing. (1) distributed information systems (1)
Distributed interactive simulation (DIS) (1) distributed learning (2) distributed ledger technology (1)
distributed sensor networks (1) distributed simulation (3) distributed systems (1)
Distributed Technical Knowledge Representation (1) diversification and optimization (1) diversity (1)
DLP (2) DMA (1) doctrinal limitations (1)
doctrine (2) Document Exchange. (1) document system (1)
DoD Architecture Framework (2) DODAF (2) domestic operations (1)
Donbas (1) Douglas-Peucker algorithm (1) DRA (1)
drill (1) driver dimension (1) DRIVER+ (1)
DRM (1) drone (1) drone signature (1)
drones (2) drug trafficking (1) DSm model (1)
DSm rule of combination (1) DSm theory (1) DSmT (3)
DSS (1) DST (1) DT coverage (1)
Dual Capable Aircraft (1) dual use (1) Dual use information systems; regulation; computer network operations (1)
Dubois-Prade’s rule (1) dynamic analysis (1) Dynamic Identity (1)
dynamic modelling (1) Dynamic Programming (2) Dynamic programming. (1)
dynamic risk assessment (1) dynamics (1) dynamics of conflict (1)
E&T (1) e-Government (4) e-Government. (1)
e-learning (10) e-learning systems (1) E-MAF (1)
E-Mail (2) e-payment (1) e-Platform (2)
e-signature (1) E-skills (1) e-Voting. (1)
early warning (3) early warning system (3) Early Warnings (1)
earthquake hazard (1) earthquake safety (1) earthquake scenario. (1)
Eastern Europe (4) Eastern Flank (4) ECHO (1)
ECHO project (7) ECI (1) Economic Analysis (1)
economic and social development (1) economic coercion (1) economic crisis (2)
economic diplomacy (1) Economic Evaluation of Alternatives (1) economic footprint (3)
economic growth (1) economic impact (2) economic infiltration (1)
Economic issues (1) economic NATO (1) economic recovery (1)
ecosystem (2) ecosystem approach (1) ECURIE (1)
EDA. (1) Editorial (1) EDRIM (1)
Education (6) education & training (2) education and training (2)
Education of Maritime Personnel (1) educational system (2) educational technologies (1)
EEoA (1) Effect-Based Operations (1) Effect-based operations; battlespace; understanding (1)
effectiveness (7) Effects and Criticality Analysis (1) efficiency (9)
Egypt (2) EKS (1) eLearning platform (1)
electromagnetic emission. (1) Electronic Payment Systems (1) Electronic tender (1)
Electronic Voting. (1) Electronic Warfare (2) ElGamal digital signature (1)
ElGamal Public Key Crypto-System (1) Elliptic Curves (1) Embedded Digital Identity (1)
emergency management (5) Emergency Management Architecture (1) Emergency Management Information System (1)
Emergency Management Scenarios (1) Emergency Notification and Alert System for the Danube River Basin (1) emergency operation center (1)
emergency planning and response (1) emergency preparedness (1) Emergency Response System (1)
emergency situations (1) Emerging Security Challenges (1) emerging technologies (1)
emotional warfare (1) emotions mining (1) empirical analysis (1)
EMU (1) Encrypted Data (1) encryption (1)
energy dependence (2) Energy geopolitics (1) Energy Grid (1)
energy infrastructure (1) energy mix (1) energy resources (1)
energy sector (1) energy security (4) ENISA (2)
enrolment phase (1) enterprise (1) Enterprise Architecture (3)
enterprise management system (1) entrepreneurship skills (1) Entropy (2)
environmental analysis (1) Environmental Protection (1) Environmental safety (1)
erosion (1) ERP (1) escalation (1)
ESDP (2) essential services (2) ESSO (1)
establishment (1) estimates (1) Estonia (1)
Ethereum (1) Ethical AI (1) Ethics (3)
ethnic conflict (1) eth¬ics and public service (1) EU (7)
EU decision-making (1) EU Directive 114/2008 (1) EU framework (1)
EU global strategy (1) EU integration (2) EU missions (1)
EU security (1) EU security research (1) EUAM (2)
EUCIP (1) Eurasian Union (1) Euro (1)
Europe (2) European conflict (1) European Counter Terrorism Center (1)
European Court of Human Rights (1) European Critical Infrastructure Protection (1) European defence (1)
European defence technologi­cal and industrial base (1) European project (1) European Security (3)
European Security. (1) European states (1) European Union (14)
European-MENA partnerships (1) Europol (2) evaluation (2)
evaluation criteria (1) evaluation process (1) event management (1)
evidence (1) evidence reasoning (1) Evidence Theory (1)
evolution of Mexican intelligence (1) Evolution of modelling (1) evolutionary development. (1)
evolu¬tion of software (1) exchange of information (1) exercise (2)
exercises (2) exercising (1) expanded medical infrastructure vulnerability index (1)
expected annual lose (1) expected loss levels (1) expeditionary air capabilities (1)
expeditionary operations (1) experimentation (1) expert assessment (3)
expert systems (1) Experts fusion (1) exploitation (1)
Extensible knowledge space (1) external intelligence (1) extraction (1)
Extreme Value Theory (1) extremism (1) Factor (1)
Failure Modes (1) failures (1) fair level of PQoS (1)
fake news (2) False Negatives. (1) False Positives (1)
farming (1) fault-tolerant architectures (1) feature selection (1)
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1) federated (1) federated identity confidentiality (1)
Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP) (1) Ferghana (1) fertilizer prices (1)
field command and control (1) fight against corruption (1) fighter aviation (1)
fighting terrorism (1) file name obfuscation (1) filtering (1)
fin mixer (1) Financial Center (1) financial management (1)
financial scenarios (1) financial security (1) financial transactions (1)
Finland (1) fire support (1) firewall (1)
first responders (1) first responders’ community (1) flood (1)
flood fighting (1) flood hazard modeling. (1) flood protection (1)
flooding (1) floods (2) FMECA (1)
FOCUS (1) FOCUS project (1) food crisis (1)
footwear impressions (1) Force Development (2) force development view (1)
Force Goals. (1) Force Information Infrastructure (1) Force Management (2)
force management system (1) force modernization (3) Force Module (1)
Force planning (5) force protection standards (1) force structure (2)
force structuring (1) Forecasting (2) foreign fighters (3)
foreign influence operations (1) foreign investment (1) foreign policy (4)
foreign relations (1) foreign terrorist fighters (1) Forensic Facial Reconstruction (1)
foresight (8) foresighting digital futures (1) Formal methods (2)
Formal Task (1) formalization (1) former Soviet Union (1)
forward presence (1) Forward secrecy (1) fractal clustering. (1)
Fractal Dimension (1) fractal triangle (1) framework (3)
frameworks (1) framing (1) France (2)
fraternal people (1) Fraud Detection (1) Free-Text Processing (1)
frozen conflict (2) FTP (2) full-scale invasion (3)
functional capability (1) Functional Safety (1) Functional-Architectural Model. (1)
functionalities (1) fundamental rights (1) fusion doctrine (1)
fuzzy commitment scheme (1) fuzzy control (3) fuzzy controller (1)
Fuzzy Logic (4) Fuzzy operators (1) fuzzy routing. (1)
Fuzzy sets (2) Gaddafi (1) Game Theory (1)
Gaming (1) Gamma Methodology (2) Gap Diffie-Hellman Groups (1)
Garbled Circuits (1) GCA (1) GDPR Directive (1)
gender (1) gender attitudes (1) gender equality (1)
gender inequality (1) gender-sensitive approach (1) Generalised Security Research System (1)
Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem (1) generalized input estimation (1) generalized landscape of significance (1)
generalized net (1) generalized nets (2) Genetic Algorithms (2)
genetic code (1) genocide (2) Geodynamic risk mapping (1)
geoeconomic threats (1) geoeconomics (1) Geomorphology (1)
geopolitical stability (1) geopolitical tensions (1) geopolitics (2)
Georgia (5) geotechnical zonation (1) Germany (1)
Germany migration (1) GHE (2) GIS (4)
GIS. (1) glider (1) global actor (1)
global crisis (1) Global Health Engagement (2) global security (1)
global technological development (1) global trends (1) globalisation (1)
globalization (1) GMDSS (1) goals (2)
gold standard (1) Good governance (7) good practices (1)
governance (18) governance consulting (2) governance design (1)
governance functions (1) governance management (1) governance model (2)
GPKI (1) GPS (1) GPS tracker (1)
grain deal (1) graph model (1) graph theory (1)
gray zone (4) GRCA (1) great power (1)
great power competition (1) grey zone (3) Grid Computing (1)
grid map (1) Group decision-making (1) GroupWare (2)
GSM (1) Guatemala (1) guerrilla (1)
Guessing attack (1) hackers (2) Hague Conventions (1)
HAL (1) handling patterns (1) hard power (1)
hardware-in-the-loop simulators (1) harm (1) harmonization (1)
harvesting routes (1) hate speech (1) hazard assessment (1)
health security (1) healthy ageing (1) heuristic algorithm (1)
Heuristics. (1) hierarchical form (1) High Level Architecture (2)
high-performance computing (1) high-resolution tactical simulations (1) higher education (4)
Historical earthquakes (1) historical institutionalism (1) historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians (1)
history (1) HLA (1) HLS (1)
Hofstede (3) Hofstede matrix (1) homeland defense (1)
homeland security (4) honeypot (4) Horizon 2020 (1)
Hostage Rescue Operations (1) hot plug (1) Hough Transform (1)
house wives (1) HQ training (1) Huba Wass de Czege (1)
human capital development (2) human dignity (1) Human dimension (1)
human effects (1) human factor (3) human factors (8)
human mobility (1) human resource management (3) human resources management (1)
human rights (5) Human Safety (1) Human Security (2)
Human System (2) human trafficking (1) Humanitarian Assistance (1)
humanitarian intervention (1) humanitarian operations (2) humanitarian-assistance scenarios (1)
Hungarian Defence Forces (1) Hungary (3) Hurricane Katrina (1)
hybrid attacks (1) hybrid cloud (1) hybrid conflict (1)
Hybrid Enterprise Network System (1) hybrid estimation (1) hybrid IDS (1)
hybrid influence (2) hybrid operations (2) hybrid resilience (1)
Hybrid Security (1) hybrid system estimation (1) hybrid systems (1)
Hybrid threat (2) Hybrid threats (25) hybrid threats hybrid war interdependence whole-of-society approach resilience (1)
hybrid threats; conflict; resilience; deterrence; strategy (1) hybrid threats; hybrid war (1) hybrid war (10)
hybrid warfare (22) hyper-power set (1) hypersonic weapons (1)
I&C (1) ICT (1) ICT competences (1)
ICT infrastructure (1) ICT Personnel development (1) ICT security (1)
ICT taxonomies (1) ICT technologies (1) Identification (1)
identification/assessment techniques (1) ideology (2) IDS dataset (1)
IED (1) Illegal Behavior (1) illegal economy (1)
illegal formations (1) illegal migration (2) illegal trafficking (1)
image classification (1) image formation (1) image reparation (1)
Image statistical analysis (1) IMECA (1) IMM estimator (1)
IMM tracking filter design (1) immediate action (1) impact (3)
impact assessment (1) imperfect information (1) imperial role (1)
Implementations (1) importance (1) Improvised Explosive Devices (1)
in-depth protection (1) incident (1) incident command post (1)
incident commander (1) Incident Management (1) incident response (2)
India (1) indicator (1) indicators (1)
Indo-Pacific (2) Indonesia (1) inductive approach (1)
industrial capacity (1) industrial catastrophes (1) industrial control system (1)
industrial control systems (1) Industrial Internet (1) Industrial IoT (1)
industrial pollutants (1) industrial relations (1) industry (2)
industry 4.0 (3) inequalities (1) inertial navigation sensor (1)
infantry (1) influence (2) Infogate (1)
Informal knowledge integration (1) Information (4) information and communication technologies (1)
information and communications technologies (1) information assurance (5) information campaign (1)
information environment (1) information exchange gateways (1) information flow (1)
Information Fusion (3) information goods (1) information infrastructure vulnerability (1)
Information interoperability (1) information load (1) Information Management (1)
information operation recognition (1) information operations (6) information quality (1)
Information Security (21) information security management (2) information security of the state (1)
information security policy (1) information security programme (1) information security standards (1)
information services (1) information sharing (10) information sharing models (1)
Information society (2) information summarization (1) information support (1)
Information System (3) information system security (1) information systems (1)
Information Systems Support (1) Information systems vulnerability; hacking; hackers; IT-security; critical societal infrastructure. (1) information technologies (1)
information technology (2) information technology impact (1) information trauma (1)
information visualization (1) Information warfare (5) information warfare. (1)
informational warfare (1) informers (1) infrastructure (1)
infrastructure with significant reach (1) inherent structural threats (1) INMARSAT-C (1)
innovation (7) innovation management (2) innovative warfare (1)
input estimation (1) Instant messaging malware attack (1) institution building (1)
institutional (top-down) and bottom-up (individual) recruitment/mobilization (1) institutional capabilities (1) institutional capacity building (1)
institutional Europe (1) institutional perspective (1) institutional resilience (1)
institutions (4) insurgency (2) insurgent networks (1)
Integrated capability framework (1) Integrated planning system (1) integrated security management system (1)
Integrated Security Sector (2) integrated security sector; project management (1) integrated security system (1)
integrated system (1) Integration of the European States (1) integration. (1)
integrity (13) integrity policy (1) intellectual interoperability (1)
Intellectual Property Right (1) intelligence (13) intelligence agencies (1)
Intelligence assessment (1) intelligence cooperation (1) Intelligence governance (2)
intelligence operations (1) intelligence oversight (2) intelligence oversight. (1)
intelligence reform (2) intelligence reforms (1) intelligence sector reforms (1)
intelligence studies (1) intelligent agent simulation model (1) Intelligent Agents (2)
intelligent complex adaptive system (1) Intelligent Procurement. (1) intelligent software agent (1)
inter-national cooperation (1) inter-organisational cooperation (1) Inter-organizational (1)
Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) (1) interactive simulation models (1) interactive verification (1)
Interagency (2) interagency cooperation (6) interdependence (1)
interdependencies (1) interdependency (1) interdisciplinary research (1)
interests (1) interface solutions (1) intermediate force capabilities (6)
Intermestic Domain (1) internal and external stakeholders (1) internal intelligence or counterintelligence (1)
international aid (1) international competition (1) international conflict (1)
international conventions (1) international cooperation (2) international crimes (1)
international law (1) international military cooperation (1) international organisations (1)
international relations (1) international security (3) International Terrorism (2)
interna­tional law (1) Internet (4) Internet and governance (1)
Internet and state sovereignty/authority (1) Internet exchanges (1) Internet in China; growth in Internet use by civilians; integration of the Internet into military operations (1)
Internet in conflict situations; new conflict environment; proliferation of voices; information operations; information warfare; cyberspace (1) Internet of Things (5) Internet online application (1)
internet service (1) Internet skirmishes. (1) Interoperability (12)
Interoperability. (1) interoperable simulation (1) interorganizational cooperation (2)
intervention (2) inter­action. (1) Introduction (2)
intrusion (1) intrusion avoidance. (1) intrusion detection (5)
Intuition-based Decision-making (1) intuitionist fuzzy logic (1) Intuitionistic fuzzy estimation (1)
intuitionistic fuzzy logic (1) investigation (1) investment (1)
investment management (1) IoT (3) IPTV (1)
Iran (2) Iraq (5) Iris Authentication (1)
Iris Recognition (1) irregular warfare (1) ISAF (2)
ISAR Images (1) ISDN (1) ISIL (1)
ISIS (2) Islam (1) Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (1)
Islamic State (8) Islamic State Khorasan (1) Islamism (1)
Islamist (1) ISR (1) Israel (1)
IT capabilities (2) IT education (3) IT governance (1)
IT management (1) IT management. (1) IT organisations (1)
IT personnel (1) IT security (5) IT services (2)
IT specialist (1) IT taxonomy (1) IT-infrastructures (1)
IT4Sec reports (106) Italian Mafia (1) Jabhat al Nusra (1)
Jabhat Fath al Sham (1) jamming (1) Japan (1)
Java (1) jet length maximization (1) Jihadism (1)
Jihadist (1) JIM (1) Joint and Multinational (1)
joint capabilities (1) joint fusion centre (1) joint mission assurance assessments (1)
Joint National Training Capability (1) joint operation. (1) Joint theater level simulation (JTLS) (2)
Joint Training (1) judicial control (1) just-in-time (1)
K band radar (1) Kalman Filtering (1) Karabakh Conflict (1)
Karachi (1) Kazakhstan (2) key enabling technology (1)
keyword (1) KGB (1) KINEROS (1)
KNIME Analytics Platform (1) knowledge base (1) Knowledge Based Systems (1)
Knowledge Logistics (1) knowledge management (2) knowledge portal (1)
Kolontar (1) Kosovo (5) kriegsspiel (1)
Kryvyi Rih (1) Kurdish question (1) Kyrgyzstan (2)
land domain (1) Land Forces (1) Landmark Alignment (1)
landscape zoning (1) language learning (1) lateral flows (1)
Latvia (4) Latvian resistance (2) law (2)
law enforcement (6) law enforcement agencies (1) Law of Neutrality (1)
law-enforcement (1) lawfulness (1) Leadership (6)
leadership styles (1) leadership theories (1) leadership theory (1)
leakage-resilience (1) learning activities (1) Learning in Fuzzy Environment (1)
Learning Management System (3) learning management system (LMS) (1) learning objects (1)
learning platform (1) learning technology standards (1) learning tool (1)
learning tools and activities (1) legacy architectures (1) legal base (1)
legal basis (1) legal constraints (1) legal framework (6)
legislation measures (1) legislations (1) legislative base (2)
legislature (1) leisure sports (1) lessons learned (3)
Lethality (1) level of ambition (1) levels of ambition (1)
liberal peacebuilding (1) Liberia (1) Libya (3)
License Plate Recognition (1) Liddell Hart (1) life cycle (1)
life cycle cost. (1) Life cycle management (2) limited at-tention (1)
linear prediction. (2) linguistic nationalism (1) liquidation of the consequences of emergency (1)
Lithuania (1) live streaming (1) Live Teleconsultation (1)
LMS (5) local disaster risk governance (1) local safety index (1)
localism (1) location (1) lockdown (1)
Logistics (2) long-term defence planning (2) Long-term defense planning (1)
LoRa (1) LoRa WAN (1) low-laying coastal territories (1)
LSB (1) lustration (1) lustration measures (1)
M-learning (1) Macedonia (2) machine communications (1)
machine learning (10) machine learning algorithms (1) macrograph. (1)
Macros (1) mafia (1) main cyber hygiene rules (1)
mainstreaming (1) Maintenance (1) major security events (1)
malicious (1) malicious information (1) malware (3)
malware analysis (1) Malware Attacks (1) malware intelligence (1)
man-machine interaction (2) Man-Made Disasters (1) management (8)
management environment (1) management of the organization (1) management policy (1)
manager/agent paradigm (1) managing change (1) managing cybersecurity incidents (1)
mandate (1) maneuvering target tracking (1) manning (1)
manpower (1) Manufacturing (1) MAP (1)
Marconi NMS. (1) marine targets tracking (1) marine tourism (1)
maritime (1) Maritime Crisis Management System analysis and design; Maritime Security Negative Factors evolution; maritime security challenges (1) Maritime critical infrastructure (1)
maritime critical infrastructure protection (1) maritime domain (1) maritime industry (1)
maritime sector transformation (1) Maritime Security (5) Maritime Situational Awareness (1)
maritime sovereignty (1) maritime superiority (1) maritime surveillance (2)
Maritime terrorism (1) Maritime Transport System (1) market corruption (1)
Markov and semi-Markov chains (1) mass consciousness (1) mass media (1)
master program (2) master studies (1) Mathematical model (1)
matrix (2) maturity (2) maturity indicators (1)
maturity level (1) Mauritania (1) maximin optimization (1)
Maximizing decision (1) measure (1) measure of uncertainty (1)
measurement (2) Measures of Effectiveness and Measures of Performance (1) measures of uncertainty (1)
measuring results (1) media (3) medical imaging (1)
Medical Information Systems (1) medical readiness (1) medical terminology (1)
Mediterranean Dialogue (1) megacities (1) megastate (1)
membership (1) Membership Action Plan (1) membership function (1)
MENA (1) MENA (БВСА) (1) mentality (1)
mercenaries (1) meta-model (1) Metadata Modeling (1)
method (2) methodology (3) methods (1)
Metric (1) metrics (2) Microsoft Office (1)
Microsoft Skype for Linux (1) Microsoft Teams (1) MIDI format (1)
migrants (1) Migration/Assimilation System (1) militarism (1)
military (7) military assistance (1) military budgeting (1)
Military command and control systems (1) military cooperation (1) military cyber capabilities (1)
military deterrence (1) Military Doctrine (1) military education (2)
military education. (1) military ethos (1) military exercises (1)
military expenditures (1) Military Information Support Operations (1) military intelligence reform (1)
Military Logistics (1) military medicine (1) Military organisation (1)
military organization (1) military power (1) military professionalization (1)
military strategy (1) military support (2) military threat (1)
military training (1) military-economic capabilities (1) military-industrial complex (1)
Miller-Rabin primality test improvement (1) Minister of Defence (1) ministerial reform (1)
Ministry of Defence (1) Ministry of Interior (2) Ministry of the Interior (1)
Mirai (1) MISO (1) missile (1)
Missile Defence (1) mission command (1) mission-oriented leadership (1)
mitigation (1) mitigation and avoidance of accidents. (1) MITRE ATT@CK framework (1)
mixed digital reality (1) mixed reality (1) MKD-CIRT (1)
ML (1) MNJTF (1) Mobile agents (1)
mobile application (1) mobile applications (1) mobile combat radio network (1)
Mobile Command Post (1) mobile commerce (1) Mobile Communications (1)
mobile devices (1) Mobile Internet threats (1) mobile IP network (1)
mobile learning (2) mobile lunar base (1) Mobile phone (1)
Mobile robot (1) Mobile Security (1) mobile security threats (1)
mobile technology (1) mobility (1) mobilization (2)
modalities (1) model (5) model identification (1)
modeling (5) Modeling and Simulation (1) Modeling and Simulation; Management; Strategy; Analysis; Business Plan; Irregular Warfare; Global War On Terror; GWOT (1)
Modelling (5) Modelling and Simulation (4) Models (2)
modern security. (1) modernization (2) moderniza­tion (1)
Moldova (1) Monetary Policy (1) Money Laundering (2)
Mongolia (1) monitoring (1) monitoring network (1)
monitoring station (1) Monte-Carlo analysis (1) Montenegro (2)
Montreux Convention (1) Moodle (1) moral imperative (1)
Morocco (1) morphological analysis (1) Mortgage Market (1)
motiva¬tion (1) MoU (1) MPFSEE. (1)
MSDF (1) multi detection (1) Multi-Agency Operations (1)
multi-agent based distillation system (1) multi-agent modelling & simulation (1) Multi-agent system (1)
Multi-Agent Systems (2) Multi-Agents Applications (1) multi-attribute value theory (1)
multi-criteria approach (1) multi-criteria decision-making (1) multi-national peace support operations. (1)
multi-role fighter (1) multi-stakeholder approach (1) multi-UAV mission planning (1)
multicriteria analysis (1) multicriteria assessment (1) multidimensional security (1)
multidisciplinary studies (1) Multilateral Interoperability (1) multimedia systems (1)
multimedia technologies (1) multimodal assessment (1) multinational (1)
multinational cooperation (3) multinational exercise (1) multiple failures (1)
multiple hypotheses tracking (1) Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (1) multiple maneuvering targets (1)
multiple model estimation and control (1) Multipolar world (1) multirole fighters (2)
Mutual Authentication (1) Mutual Information (1) Nagorno-Karabakh (2)
narcotic substances (1) narrative (2) narratives (1)
NASA (1) Nation-building (1) National Automated Radiation Monitoring System (1)
National Civil Emergency Plan (1) national cyber capabilities (1) National Cybersecurity (1)
national cybersecurity centre (1) National cybersecurity management (1) national cybersecurity strategy (1)
National Defense University (1) National Emergency Management System (1) National Firefighting and Rescue System (1)
national interest (2) national military command center (NMCC) (2) National security (4)
national security functions (1) national security services (1) National Security Strategy (1)
national security system (2) National Situation Center (1) Nationalisation of Security Research (1)
nationwide coordination (1) NATO (49) NATO Computer Incident Response Capability (1)
NATO Cyber Defence Management Authority (1) NATO defense planning (1) NATO enlargement (3)
NATO enlargement. (1) NATO Industry Cyber Partnership (1) NATO integration (1)
NATO Response Force (NRF) (1) NATO response force. (1) NATO School Oberammergau (2)
NATO Standards. (1) NATO training mission (1) NATO Transformation (1)
NATO-EU Cooperation (5) NATO-Russia cooperation (1) NATO’s Defence Planning Process (1)
Natural Disasters (6) natural gas (1) Natural gas pipeline network (1)
natural language processing (1) naval capabilities (1) Navy (1)
NC3A (2) NCIA (1) NCIRC (2)
NCIRP (1) NCO development (1) neo-authoritarianism (1)
neo-industrial economy (1) net context (1) network analysis (1)
network attack (1) network co-creation (1) network enabled capabilities (2)
Network Enabled Capability (1) network evolution (1) network governance (2)
network graphs (1) Network Management System (2) network management systems (1)
network monitoring (1) network organization (1) network parameters (1)
network protection (1) network resource management (1) Network Security (1)
Network System Assimilation (1) network traffic (1) Network-based Defence (1)
Network-Centric Warfare (1) Networked Organisations (1) networking (2)
Networks (2) Neural Networks (1) neurobiology (1)
new generation warfare (1) New Risks and Vulnerabilities (1) next-generation Internet (1)
NI RIO (1) niche capabilities (2) Nigeria (1)
nitrogen feed (1) NLP (2) NMCC (1)
non-commissioned officer (1) non-governmental organization (1) non-kinetic (2)
non-lethal (2) Non-Lethal Directed Energy (1) non-lethal weapons (5)
non-linear warfare (1) non-military means (1) non-proliferation (3)
Non-state actors (1) non-traditional threats (1) non-transferable investments (1)
nonlinearity (1) noopolitik. (1) norms (1)
North Africa (1) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1) North Korea (1)
North Macednia (1) NPP (3) NSA files (1)
Nuclear (1) nuclear armament (1) Nuclear emergency (1)
nuclear power plant (2) Nuclear Regulatory Agency (1) Obama Administration (1)
object management (1) Object Modeling (1) Object-oriented programming (1)
Objectivity (1) Oblivious Transfer (1) observer status (1)
officer corps (1) officer with epaulettes (1) offset (1)
On-board Instrumentation and Control System (1) on-line estimation (1) one-way function (1)
One-Way Hash Function (2) One-Way Property (1) online learning (1)
online teaching (1) online verification (1) ontological modelling (1)
Ontology (2) Ontology Management (1) Open Architecture (1)
Open Skies Treaty (1) open source (1) open source intelligence (1)
open TX (1) operation (1) Operation Allied Force (1)
operational (2) operational analysis (1) operational energy context (1)
Operational planning (2) Operational Research (1) operational technology (1)
operational view (1) Operational Wargaming (1) operations (3)
operations research (1) opera­tions analysis (1) Optimization (2)
Optimizations (1) op­erational effectiveness (1) Oranised crime (1)
orchestration (1) Orde Baru (1) Organisational Change (1)
organisational collaboration (2) organisational culture (2) organisational learning (1)
Organization (6) organizational change (1) organizational culture (2)
organizational design (2) Organizational Development (1) organizational framework (1)
organizational learning (1) organizational model (1) Organized crime (9)
Osama bin Laden (1) OSINT (3) OTH-RADARs (1)
OTS component assessment (1) OTT; extraterritorial application; telecommunications law; communication privacy; EU; Japan (1) outlier detection (1)
outreach (1) Outsourced Database Services (1) oversight (5)
PageRank (1) Pakistan (2) panacea (1)
pandemic (3) pandemics (1) PAP-DIB (1)
paradigmatic deficiency (1) parameter uncertainty (1) parastate (1)
parliamentarian oversight (1) parliamentary control (1) parliamentary oversight (3)
participatory foresight (1) partnership (1) Partnership for Peace (9)
partnership goals (1) partnerships (1) password (1)
Password Authentication (2) Password Guessing Attacks. (1) path planning (1)
Pattern Recognition (1) Payment System (1) payment systems (1)
PBX (2) PBX security (1) PDA (1)
peace (1) peace and security agenda (1) peace enforcement (1)
peace operations (2) Peace Shield 2000 (1) Peace-building (1)
peacebuilding (3) peacekeeping (3) Peacekeeping operations (1)
Pedagogy (1) peer countries (1) perceived quality of service (1)
Perception of security (1) performance (1) performance indicators. (1)
performance management (2) personality modeling. (1) personnel management (1)
PESTLE - analysis (1) PESTLE – анализ (1) Petersberg (1)
Petersberg tasks (1) PfP (2) PfP Consortium (3)
PfP exercise (1) PhD studies (1) Phishing (1)
physical geographic features (1) PIMS (1) Piracy (1)
PKK (1) plagiarism (1) Plan (1)
Planning (2) planning for disaster protection. (1) planning methodology (1)
planning scenarios (2) planning. (1) Plate Detection (1)
platform (1) plausible and paradoxical reasoning (1) plausible deniability (1)
PME (3) Poland (2) Poland; Lockheed Martin F-16; Saab/BAE Systems JAS-39 Gripen; Dassault Mirage 2000-5 Mk II; acquisition; technical comparison; financing; offset; U.S.-Polish relation-ship; fighter competition (1)
police (1) police cooperation (1) police force (1)
police reform (1) policy (9) Policy function (1)
policy guidance (1) policy recommendations (1) policy-making (1)
Polisario (1) political actors (1) political analysis (1)
political economy (1) political in-stability (1) political institutions (1)
political level (1) political perceptions (1) political regimes (1)
political situation (1) Political stability (1) politician (1)
politicization (1) politicized religion (1) politics (2)
pollution detection. (1) Polyakh (1) polycentric world (1)
pooling and sharing (1) poor countries (1) Population (1)
portfolio management (3) positioning (1) positive critique (2)
post-communist transition (4) post-industrial economy (1) post-pandemic conditions (1)
post-Soviet space (1) post-structuralism (2) post-truth (1)
post-war (1) postconflict reconstruction (1) potentially pandemic pathogens (1)
power complex (1) Power grid safety (1) Powersim (2)
PPBS (2) PQoS (1) Practical courses on cybersecurity (1)
pre-crisis operations (1) precipitation (1) preemption (1)
preparedness (1) presentations (1) President Putin (1)
prevention (4) Primary and Secondary Analysis (1) primitive capability (1)
prioritisation (1) privacy (7) private cloud (1)
Private Information Retrieval/Storage (1) private military companies (2) private sector (1)
PRNG (1) proactive identification (1) Probability (1)
probability of emission detection (1) problem-solving (2) problematization (2)
procedures (1) Processing centre (1) procurement (3)
procure­ment (1) Professional Military Education (4) professionalization (1)
professionalization. (1) profile (1) profiling (2)
program (1) program structure (1) program-based resource management (1)
Programming (3) progressive framing (1) Prohibition of War (1)
project (1) Project management (2) project portfolio (1)
projectile or probabilistic hit resolution (1) propaganda (5) proposals (1)
proprietary tools (1) protection in emergencies (1) protection measures (1)
Protection of Civilians (2) protection of the population (1) protests (1)
prototyping (1) providing physical protection (1) proxy server (1)
proxy signature (1) proxy war (1) Pseudo-Random Number Generator. (1)
PSTN (1) psychological impact (1) psychological operations (1)
psychological warfare (1) psychological warfare. (1) psychology (1)
psychology of violence (1) public cloud (1) public diplomacy (1)
public diplomacy; diplomacy; counterterrorism; battle of ideas; State Department; CIST (Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism). (1) Public Health Research (1) Public Key Cryptography (2)
public keys (1) public policy (1) public private partnership (1)
public procurement (1) Public Sector (1) public tenders. (1)
public-private collaboration (1) public-private partnership (2) public-private partnerships (1)
purchasing power parity. (1) purpose (1) Putin (2)
QPR (1) Qualitative belief (1) quality management (1)
Quantitative belief (1) quantity of intelligence information needed for understanding the information; “pulsation” of information at situation change. (1) Quantum computing (1)
quantum cybersecurity (1) quantum key distribution (1) quantum resilience (1)
quantum supremacy (1) quantum techniques (1) questionnaire (1)
R&D (1) R&D management (1) R&T management (1)
radar data processing (1) radar simulation and modeling (1) radar technology (1)
Radiation emergency (1) radicalism (1) radicalism threat (1)
radicalization (1) Radio Access Points (1) radio receiver (1)
radio transmitter (1) radio-electronic warfare (1) Radiological Safety (1)
radon emanation (1) RAM (1) random numbers gen-eration (1)
Randomization (1) ranking (1) ransomware (1)
Raspberry PI (1) Rational-Analytic Decision Making Framework (1) readiness (1)
Real-Time Interactive Telemedical Services (1) realpolitik (1) rearmament (2)
Reconfiguration (1) reconnaissance (1) recon­naissance (1)
recruiting (1) recruitment (4) red teaming (1)
reference scenarios (1) Reflexive Control (1) reflexive model (1)
reform (3) refugee women (1) refugees (1)
regional cooperation (2) regional dynamics (1) regional response (1)
regional security (5) Regional Strategies (1) regionalization (1)
Regulation 630 (1) reindustrialization (1) relationship of structure and functions (1)
Reliability and safety of rocket-space systems (1) reliability-based model (1) religion (1)
Remote Authentication (3) Remote collaboration (1) Remote Encrypted Connection (1)
remote sensing data (1) Reorganizing C2 (1) Republic of Moldova (1)
Reputation (1) Reputation-based trust systems (1) requirements (2)
research (2) Research and Demonstration Center (1) research and technology (1)
research case (1) research policy (1) research roadmap (1)
reservists (1) resilience (36) resilience assessment (1)
resilience control system (1) resilience for peace (1) Resilience management (1)
resilience risk management self-discrepancy theory graphs feedback loops (1) resilient system (1) resource allocation (1)
resource framework (1) Resource Protection (1) resources (5)
response (1) Responsibility To Protect (1) responsible science (1)
Restructuring (1) retention (2) revolution (1)
right to respect for private life (1) right-to-left Unicode override (1) rights (1)
Risk (15) Risk Analysis (2) risk appetite (1)
Risk Assessment (6) risk assessment. (1) Risk engineering (1)
risk management (10) risk mapping (1) risk profile assessment (1)
Risk reduction (1) Risk reduction. Technical architecture (1) risks (3)
risks of orbital carrier rockets and spacecraft failures (1) RNG (1) robust AI (1)
robustness (1) roles of the Israel Defense Forces (1) Romania (1)
RS (1) RSA (1) RSA algorithm (1)
RSS (1) RTMP (1) rule of combination (1)
rule of law (1) rule-base sentiment analysis (1) Russia (25)
Russia- Ukraine war (1) Russia-NATO relations (1) Russia-Ukraine war (3)
Russian aggression (1) Russian Federation (7) Russian Influence (2)
Russian policy (2) Russian Transnational Organized Crime (1) Russian-Ukrainian conflict (2)
Russia’s Intervention (1) Russia’s Security Concepts. (1) Russo-Ukraine war (2)
Russo-Ukrainian war (4) RX (1) S1000D (1)
safety (7) safety accident (1) safety analysis (1)
safety block diagrams (1) Safety case core (1) safety engineering (1)
safety index (1) safety management (1) Safety Management. (1)
Safety of Shipping (1) safety-critical software (1) Sahel (1)
Sahrawi (1) sanctions (1) SAR (1)
satellite (1) Satellite Communications (1) satellite radar interferometry (1)
Satellite-Based Telecommunication Systems (1) Saudi Arabia (1) Saudi Arabia. (1)
SBU (1) scalability (1) scale (2)
scenario (1) scenario design (1) scenario foresight (1)
scenario method (1) scenario planning (2) Scenario Space (1)
Scenario-based capability-oriented planning (1) scenario-based planning (2) Scenarios (3)
school life (1) science (1) Science and Technology (1)
scientific organizations (1) scientific support (1) SCO (1)
scope (1) SCORM (5) SCORM-conformance (1)
SDR (1) sea level rise (1) Sea Surveillance (1)
Search and Rescue (1) SeaSparrow (1) SeaSparrow Program (1)
secrecy (1) secret police (1) Secrets Exchange. (1)
sectarian conflict (1) sectarianism (1) Secure E-Mail (1)
Secure Multi-Party Computation (1) secure protocol (1) secure services (1)
secure transportation (1) security (56) Security Access (1)
security and defence policy (1) security and defence reform (1) security and defence sector (1)
security and defense policy (1) security assertion markup language (2) security capabilities (1)
Security Challenges (1) security controls (1) security cooperation (2)
security discourse (2) Security Economics (1) security engineering (1)
security environment (1) security forces (1) Security foresight (2)
security functions (1) security guarantees (1) security implications of IoT (1)
Security in IoT (1) security information and event management (1) security management (1)
security policies (1) security policy (10) Security Policy Making (1)
Security research (1) Security Research 2035 (1) Security Risks (1)
security sector (2) security sector agency (1) security sector governance (1)
Security Sector Operations (1) security sector reform (13) Security Sector Transformation (2)
security services (1) security standards (1) security strategy (2)
security system (3) security threats (2) security tools (1)
SEDM (1) SEE security cooperation (1) SEECAP (1)
SEEDRMAP (1) seismic hazard (1) Seismic risk (1)
seismic risk management (1) Self Organizing Map (1) self-defense (1)
self-propelled howitzer (1) self-regulation (1) semantic analysis (1)
Semantic Mediation (1) semantic similarity search (1) Sendai Framework (2)
Sensitivity Analysis (1) sensor data processing (1) sensor network (1)
sensor network stability (1) sensors (2) sentiment analysis (1)
separatists. (1) Serbia (4) SEREIN (1)
serious games and gamification (1) service design and provision (1) service management (1)
service provision (1) Services. (1) sex slaves (1)
se¬curity solution (1) Shanghai Cooperation Organization (2) Shannon entropy (1)
Shannon-HartleyTheorem (1) shaped charge (1) SHAPES project (2)
sharable content objects (1) sharp power (1) ship’s computer networks (1)
ship’s cyber defence (1) SIGAR (1) signal processing (1)
signal structure (1) signature (1) Silk Road (1)
Siloviki (1) Simmelian backbone (1) simulation (12)
simulation exploration experience (1) simulation of national power and national security. (1) simulation-based learning (1)
simulation-based training (1) simulations (1) simulators (1)
Sinai Province (1) single voice communication (1) situaitonal awareness (1)
situation analysis (1) Situation Assessment. (1) Situation Center (1)
situation development operations (1) Situational awareness (9) situational scenario. (1)
skeleton units (1) skills (1) skills acquisition (1)
Skype for Business (1) Slantrange (1) sliding window (1)
slopes (1) Slovakia (1) Slovenia (1)
Sly (1) small state (1) small state theory (1)
Smart Card (2) Smart Cards (1) Smart Contracts (1)
smart defence (3) smart defence. (1) Smart Grid (1)
smart house (1) smart security (1) smart substation (1)
smartphone (1) smuggling (3) SOA (1)
Sochi Olympics (1) social and labour relations (1) social instability (1)
social isolation (1) social media (2) social media monitoring (2)
social network (1) Social network analysis (1) social networking service (1)
social networks (7) Social networks analysis (1) Social Resilience (1)
social security (1) social structure (1) Social Systems (1)
social tension (1) socialism (1) societal development (1)
societal impact assessment (1) Societal Resilience (3) Societal Security (1)
society (2) socio-constructivism (1) Socio-Economic Systems (1)
socio-economic vulnerability (1) Soeharto (1) soft Belarusification (1)
Soft Computing (1) soft computing agents (1) soft concerns (1)
soft deterrence (1) soft power (2) Software agent (1)
Software agents (1) software architectures (1) software as a service (1)
software development (1) software development process (1) software faults. (1)
Software technology (1) software tool (1) software tools (1)
Solidarity Clause (1) Somalia (1) South Africa (1)
South Caucasus (2) South East Europe (1) South Eastern Europe (2)
South Eastern Europe. (1) South Korea (1) South Ossetia (1)
South-Eastern Europe (1) Southeast Europe (1) sovereign debt (1)
Sovereignty (4) space (1) space computing simulations (1)
space surveillance network (1) space technology transfer (1) space-based communications (1)
Spam Detection (1) spatial data mapping (1) spatial position (1)
spatio-temporal structure (1) Special Antiterrorist Unit (1) special military operation (1)
Special Operations Forces (1) specialised emer­gency teams (1) specialization (2)
spectral analysis (2) speech recognition (1) Sphere of influence (1)
spillover effects (1) SQL injection (1) SSD (1)
SSTR (1) SSU (2) SSU Academy (1)
Stability (4) Stability Pact for South East Europe (1) Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe (1)
stability policing (1) stabilization (3) stabilization missions (1)
Stakeholder Engagement (1) Stakeholder Engagement Action Plans (1) stakeholder management (1)
standard (2) Standard Operating Procedures (1) standardization (1)
standardization organizations (1) standards (2) Standing Operating Procedures (1)
state capture (1) State Fire and Rescue Service (1) state influence (1)
State information resource (1) State register of potentially dangerous objects (1) State Security (2)
state security reform (1) state sponsor of terrorism (3) static analysis (1)
statistical analysis (2) Steganographic (1) steganography (1)
Steganometric. (1) stochastic validation (1) storm events (1)
stovepipes (1) StratCom (1) StratCom coordination (1)
Strategic Assessment (1) strategic communication (4) strategic communications (2)
strategic competition (1) Strategic Costing Model. (1) strategic defence review (1)
strategic defense review (1) strategic deterrence (1) strategic leadership (1)
strategic map (2) strategic messaging (1) strategic narratives (1)
Strategic Objectives (1) strategic outcomes (1) strategic plan (2)
strategic planning (2) strategic plan­ning. (1) strategic uncertainty (1)
strategies (1) strategy (14) strategy for development (1)
Strategy Pyramid (1) strategy. (1) stress index (1)
structural constraints (1) Structural Equation Modelling (1) structural realism (1)
structural reform (1) structural transformation (1) structured argumentation (1)
students (2) Stuxnet. (1) subculture (1)
Subject (1) subject domain (1) subversion (2)
Sun Tzu (1) supply chain (3) supply chain crime (1)
supply chain Petersberg tasks (1) supply chain protection. (1) supply chain security (2)
Surface Missile System (1) surge capacity (1) surveillance (3)
surveillance capitalism (1) sustainable development (1) SWOT - analysis (1)
SWOT - анализ (1) SWOT analysis (1) synthesis (1)
synthetic aperture radar (1) synthetic biology (1) Syria (5)
Syrian asylum seekers (1) Syrian refugees (1) system (3)
system analysis (1) system approach (1) system architectural frameworks; coalition C2 (1)
System Architecture (1) system architectures (1) System Design (1)
System Dynamics (2) System Engineering (1) System of systems (1)
system-of-systems (1) systemic corruption (1) systems of systems (1)
TaaS (1) table-top exercise (1) TACS (1)
Tactical Communications Network (1) Tactical Forms (1) Tactical Nuclear Weapons (1)
Tactical Wargaming (1) Taiwan (2) Tajikistan (2)
Taliban (1) target audience (1) target tracking (1)
targets (1) task list (1) taxonomy (2)
technical (2) technical architecture (1) technical architecture framework (1)
technical expertise (1) technical manuals (1) technical regulation (1)
techniques. (1) techno-social threats & risks (1) technological change (1)
technological risk (1) technologies (1) technology (3)
Technology Insertion. (1) technology-supported training (1) telemetry (1)
Telephony (1) Telnet (1) template (1)
TEMPUS (1) Terrorism (19) Terrorism at Sea (1)
Terrorism. (1) Terrorist Actions (1) terrorist attack at Burgas airport (1)
Terrorist Financing (1) terrorist incident response (1) Terrorist Networking (1)
terrorist organizations (1) Terrorist Recruitment (1) terrorist state (3)
terrorist threat (1) terrorist threat. (1) Testing as a Service (1)
testing tools. (1) tests (1) text mining (1)
text similarity (1) texture-based similarity (1) TF-IDF (1)
The Netherlands (1) the United Kingdom (1) theory (1)
thesaurus (1) third countries (1) threat (4)
threat assessment (1) threat intelligence (1) threat multiplier (1)
Threat spectrum (1) threat vector (1) threats (6)
three-pillar disaster management system (1) threshold (1) TIEMS (1)
time series analysis (1) time stamp authority (1) Timestamp (1)
Timor-Leste (1) tolerance (1) tool (1)
tools (1) top 10 live threats (1) Topographical and Topological Data Estimation (1)
Tracking (1) tracking algorithms (1) tracking. (1)
trade (1) Traffic Control. (1) trafficking in persons (1)
training (14) Training and Exercises (1) training effectiveness (1)
training program (1) training programme (1) training simulators (1)
trajectory compression (1) Transaction (1) transactional distance (1)
transactions control (1) transborder conflict (1) transdisciplinarity (1)
Transformation (8) transformation challenges (1) transfor¬mation (1)
transition (2) Transition and Reconstruction (1) transition detection (1)
transnational crime (1) transnational organised crime (1) Transparency (19)
tree parity machine (1) Tree-Based Index Structure (1) trends (1)
trial (1) triangle of contradictions (1) tribal networks (1)
tribalism (1) triples (1) TRL (1)
Trojan life cycle (1) Trojans (1) Trojans detection (1)
trust (4) trust models (1) trusted reporters (1)
trusted routing (1) trustworthy AI (2) Tunisia (1)
Turkey (3) Turkish military (1) TX (1)
type-variety principle (1) U.S. Cyber Security Strategy (1) U.S. security assistance (1)
U.S. security cooperation (1) UAV (3) Uighurs (1)
Ukraine (23) Ukrainian crisis (1) Ukrainian Shield (1)
ultra-large database (1) UML architectural meta-design (1) UML архитектурно мета-проектиране (1)
UN Resolution 2178 (1) UN SCR 1325 (1) Uncertainty (5)
uncertainty. (1) unconventional warfare (1) undefined (1)
unified information system (1) United Kingdom (2) United Nations Support Mission in Libya (1)
United States (3) universal mind (1) University (3)
university study programs (1) Unknown attack (1) unmanned aerial vehicles (1)
unrestricted warfare (1) UNSC Resolution 1325 (1) UNSCR 1325 (1)
UNSMIL (1) Untrusted Server (1) uranium ore deposits (1)
uranium ore manifestations (1) urban operations (1) US (1)
US Global Strategy (1) US intervention (1) US Naval Academy (1)
US-Europe Security Issues (1) User Anonymity (1) User Impersonation. (1)
users response (1) UxVs (1) Uzbekistan (1)
validation (1) valleys (1) values (2)
variable parameter (1) variational problem (1) VBA (1)
vehicle theft (1) velocity control autopilot (1) verification (3)
Verkhovna Rada (1) Vessel Traffic Services (1) Videoconferencing (1)
Virtual Breeding Environment (1) virtual classroom (1) Virtual diplomacy; foreign policy in information age; empowerment by networks; rise of non-state actors; realpolitik (1)
virtual reality (1) Virtualisation (1) virtualization (1)
Visibility function (1) visible areas (1) vision (2)
Visual Basic for Applications (1) visualization (1) vital societal functions (1)
vocabulary learning strategies (1) volunteer battalions (1) volunteering system (1)
volunteerism (1) volunteers (1) VR (1)
VTS enhancement (1) Vulnerabilities (8) vulnerability (8)
vulnerability analysis (2) war (5) war crimes (1)
war economy (1) War on Terror (1) War or Terrorism (1)
Warden’s rings (1) Wardriving (1) Warfare (3)
Wargaming (2) warriors (1) Warsaw (1)
water consumption (1) water management (1) water resources (1)
water security (1) Watermarking (1) Watermarking. (1)
way of life (1) weapons trafficking (1) Web 2.0 (3)
Web 2.0/Web 3.0 технологии (1) Web 3.0 (3) Web Agents (1)
web application (1) web attack (1) web page categorisation (1)
web service (1) Web Services (3) web sources (1)
web users analysis (1) web-based learning (2) Web-service (1)
welcoming address (1) wellbeing (1) WEP (1)
Western Balkans (2) Western New Independent States (1) Western response (1)
Western Sahara (1) Western sanctions on Belarus (1) whole-of-government (1)
Wi-Fi technology (1) wiki. (1) Wildfire (2)
Wine (1) Wired Equivalent Privacy (1) Wireless mesh network (1)
Wirless Local Area Network (1) WLAN (1) women (2)
women’s empowerment (1) word2vec representation (1) words network (1)
world economy (1) world order (1) WTO (1)
X-ray (1) XML (1) XML Encryption (2)
XML Signature (1) Yager’s rule (1) Yemen (1)
zero trust model (1) «Инфогейт» (1) «капитализм слежки» (1)
«холодная война» (1) Абу Бакр (1) Абхазия (1)
авторитаризм (2) агент влияния (1) агрессия (2)
Азербайджан (1) АК (1) АКАП (1)
активи (1) активные мероприятия (1) Албания (1)
Аль-Каида (5) Аль-Каида в Исламском Магрибе (1) Аль-Каида на Аравийском полуострове (1)
Амният (1) ан-Нусра (1) анализ (1)
анализ на алтернативи (1) антиквариат (1) антитеррористическое законодательство (1)
апартеид (1) апетит към риска (1) Арабская весна (2)
армия (1) асимилиране на мрежова система (1) асимметричный (1)
ассемблирование (1) атаки (1) атрибутивна теория (2)
атрибуция (2) аутрич (1) Афганистан (2)
Ахрар аль-Шам (1) Аш-Шабаб (1) бакалавър (1)
баланс (2) баланс на последствията (2) балансирана карта от критерии за ефективност (1)
балансирана система от показатели за оценка на ефективността (1) Балканы (1) Балтийский батальон (1)
Барак Обама (1) бедствие (2) безопасность (10)
безопасность на море (1) безопасность цепочек поставок (1) бенчмарк (1)
биобезопасность (1) Биологическое оружие (1) Боко Харам (1)
большие данные (1) борьба с коррупцией (1) борьба с наводнениями (1)
Босния и Герцеговина (2) братские народы (1) Будапештская конвенция (1)
България (5) Българска армия (3) бюджет (1)
бюджет за отбрана (2) Варшава (1) ведомство сектора безопасности (1)
великая держава (1) Венгрия (1) верификация (1)
верховенство закона (1) Верховная Рада (1) взаимодействие (1)
взаимозависимость (1) виртуална класна стая (1) висше образование (1)
вклад (1) влияние государства (1) внедрена цифрова идентификация; дистанционна криптирана връзка (1)
внешняя политика (3) внешняя разведка (1) внутренняя разведка (1)
военна професия (1) военна реформа (1) военная доктрина (1)
военная медицина (1) военная мощь (1) военная организация (1)
военная помощь (1) военная реформа (1) военная стратегия (1)
военная экономика (1) военни технологии (1) военно сътрудничество (1)
военно-промышленный комплекс (1) военно-экономический потенциал (1) военное лидерство в Китае (1)
военное образование (3) военные (2) военные кибер способности (1)
военные операции (1) военные расходы (1) военные учения (1)
возникающие вызовы безопасности (1) воины (1) война (5)
война с терроризмом (2) воспрещение (1) восстановление экономики (1)
Восточная Европа (3) Восточная и Центральная Европа (1) восточный фланг (2)
ВР (1) всеобхватна сигурност (1) Въоръжени сили (3)
выборы 2016 (1) вызовы кибербезопасности (1) гарантии безопасности (1)
гармонизация (1) гендерное неравенство (1) гендерные отношения (1)
гендерный подход (1) геноцид (1) геополитика (1)
геополитическая напряжённость (1) геополитическое влияние (1) гибридная война (10)
гибридная угроза (1) гибридное влияние. (1) гибридные угрозы (3)
гибридные угрозы; конфликт; устойчивость; сдерживание; стратегия (1) ГИС (1) глобализация (2)
Глобална стратегия на Европейския съюз (1) Глобальное медицинское взаимодействие (2) гонка кибер вооружений (1)
государства бывшего СССР (1) государственная безопасность (1) государственная политика (1)
государство-спонсор терроризма (3) готовность (1) гражданска защита (3)
гражданска сигурност (1) гражданские права (1) гражданский аспект дипломатии (1)
гражданский надзор (1) гражданско общество (1) гражданское общество (1)
гражданское общество; политика (1) Грузия (4) двойное назначение (1)
дедовщина (1) дезинтеграция (1) дезинформация (7)
Дейтонское соглашение (1) демография (1) демократизация (1)
демократичен контрол (1) демократическая устойчивость (1) демократический контроль (2)
демократический процесс (1) демократия (3) деструктивни роли (1)
детериториализация (1) Джамму и Кашмир (1) Джебхат ан-Нусра (1)
Джебхат Фатах аш-Шам (1) джем по безопасности (1) джихадизм (1)
джихадистский терроризм (2) дигитална обучителна инфраструктура (1) дигитална трансформация (2)
дигитално бъдеще (1) динамика на потребителските реакции (1) дипломатия (1)
Дирекция за управление при извънредни ситуации (1) дискурс (1) дистанционна работа (1)
дистанционно обучение (1) ДКВС (1) добро управление (2)
добровольческие батальоны (1) доверие (3) договор «Открытое небо» (1)
доктрина (2) доктрина комплексирования (1) домохозяйки (1)
Донбасс (1) Дополнительный протокол (1) доставки за отбраната (1)
дрони (1) думи: неопределеност (1) Европа (1)
Европейска интеграция (1) Европейска отбрана (1) европейская безопасность (5)
Европейский контртеррористический центр (1) Европейский союз (6) Европейский суд по правам человека (1)
Европол (1) Египет (2) експертни системи (1)
електронно обучение (1) ЕС (4) Естония (1)
етичен кодекс (1) етнически конфликт (1) ефективност (4)
ефикасност (3) женщины (1) жизнен цикъл (1)
жизнь училища (1) Закон за защита при бедствия (1) законодателна рамка (2)
замороженный конфликт (2) Западная Сахара (1) Западные Балканы (1)
заплаха (1) заплахи (3) защита (1)
защита в дълбочина (1) защита на критична инфраструктура (1) защита на населението (1)
защита от наводнений (1) защита персональных данных (1) защитна стена (1)
златен стандарт (1) значения (1) зрелость (1)
зрялост (1) ИБТ (1) ИГИЛ (3)
ИГИШ (1) идеология (2) иерархическая форма (1)
изкуствен интелект (1) изменение климата (2) измерване (1)
изоляция (1) Израиль (1) Източна Европа (1)
инвестиции (1) индикатор (1) Индия (1)
Индо-Тихоокеанский регион (2) Индонезия (1) Индустриальный Интернет (1)
инновационная война (1) инновация (1) иностранные боевики (3)
иностранные боевики-террористы (2) иностранные инвестиции (1) институты (2)
институциональная устойчивость (1) институциональное (сверху-вниз) и индивидуальное (снизу-вверх) рекрутирование (1) инструменти за разработка на съдържание (1)
интегриран сектор за сигурност (1) интегритет (6) интелигентна отбрана (4)
интеллектуальная оперативная совместимость (1) интерактивна верификация (1) интервенция (1)
интервенция США (1) интереси (1) Интернет (1)
Интернет вещей (1) Инфовойна (1) информационна сигурност (1)
Информационна система за управление при извънредни ситуации (1) информационная война (4) информационная травма (1)
информационни системи (1) информационное обеспечение военных действий (1) информационные операции (2)
информированность (1) инфраструктура (1) инфраструктура ИКТ (1)
инцидент (1) Ирак (4) Иран (2)
искусственный интеллект (1) искусство (1) исламизм (1)
Исламское государство (9) Исламское государство Хорасан (1) Исламское движение Узбекистана (1)
исследования по вопросам разведывательной деятельности (1) исторический институционализм (1) историческое единство русских и украинцев (1)
история (1) Йемен (1) Кавказ (3)
Каддафи (1) Казахстан (2) Карачи (1)
каркасные единицы (1) картографирование рисков (1) квантовая кибербезопасность (1)
квантовая устойчивость (1) квантовое превосходство (1) квантовое распределение ключей (1)
квантовые вычисления (2) КГБ (1) кибер атака (2)
кибер безопасность (1) кибер война (1) кибер домен (1)
кибер заплахи (3) кибер защита (2) кибер конфликт (1)
кибер оборона (1) кибер операции (4) кибер пространство (1)
кибер риски (1) кибер сигурност (2) Кибер угрозы (1)
кибер-война (1) кибер-социальные уязвимости (1) кибер-физические системы (1)
кибератака (2) кибербезопасность (10) кибервойна (2)
кибердомен (1) киберзаплахи (2) кибернавыки (1)
кибернетична екосистема (1) кибернетична сигурност (1) кибероборона (1)
киберобучение (1) кибероперации (2) киберпреступность (4)
киберпрестъпност (3) Киберпространство (5) киберпространството (1)
киберриск (1) киберсигурност (13) киберсфера (1)
кибертехнологии (1) киберустойчивост (1) Китай (7)
клановость (1) класификация (2) класифициране (1)
Клаузевиц (1) ключевая технология (1) Ковид-19 (1)
когнитивное хакерство (1) когнитивный (1) кодекс поведения (1)
коллективная безопасность (1) Колонтар (1) командване в мисии (1)
командование и управление (1) компетентности (1) комплексни кризисни ситуации (1)
комплексность (1) комплексный подход (1) компьютерная пропаганда (1)
компютърна графика (1) компютърно подпомагани учение (КПУ) (1) конвенциональные силы (1)
Конвенция о превенции терроризма (1) конвергенция (1) конструктивни роли (1)
контекст (1) контент-анализ (1) контр-повстанческие действия (1)
контр-терроризм (1) контрабанда (1) контроли за киберсигурност (1)
контроли за сигурност (1) контроль над вооружениями (2) контрразведка (3)
контртерроризм (4) контртеррористические операции (1) конфликт (6)
концепции (1) концепция (1) координатор (1)
координация (4) коронавирус (2) коррупция (5)
корупция (1) корупция; пазарна корупция; мрежова корупция; фактори за корупцията; последици от корупцията; антикорупция (1) Косово (3)
криза (2) кризисное управление (1) кризисный менеджмент (3)
криминальный бизнес (1) криптография (2) критическая информационная инфраструктура (1)
критическая инфра¬структура (1) критическая инфраструктура (3) критические инфраструктуры (1)
критические моменты (1) критична инфраструктура (1) кросс-культурная компетентность (1)
Крым (2) культура (5) культурная среда (1)
Кыргызстан (1) Латвия (2) летательный аппарат двойного назначения (1)
летище (2) Ливия (3) Лиддел Гарт (1)
Лидерство (4) лингвистические умения (1) Литва (1)
локализъм (1) люстрация (1) Мавритания (1)
магистър (1) Македония (1) Марокко (1)
матрица (1) матрица Хофстеде (1) мафия (1)
машинные коммуникации (1) мащаб (2) мегаполисы (1)
медиа (1) медицинская безопасность (1) медицинская готовность (1)
межведомственное сотрудничество (1) международная безопасность (1) международная помощь (1)
международное право (1) международное соперничество (1) международные конвенции (1)
международные отношения (2) межкультурное сравнение (1) мейнстрим (1)
менеджмент конфликтов (1) менеджмент чрезвычайных ситуаций (1) мениджмънт (3)
ментальность (1) мерки за защита (1) меры кибердоверия (1)
меры люстрации (1) меры по укреплению доверия и безопасности (1) метод на сценариите (1)
метод ПЯИО (1) Метрика (1) метрики (1)
мигранты (1) миграция в Германии (1) Министерство на вътрешните работи (2)
Министерство на отбраната (2) министър на отбраната (1) мировой порядок (1)
миротворчество (2) многокритериален анализ (1) многонационално сътрудничество (1)
многонациональные формирования (1) многополярный мир (1) мобилизация (3)
модел (2) модели за измерване на зрелостта на способностите за киберсигурност (1) модели за поведение (1)
моделиране (1) модернизация (3) Монголия (1)
моральный императив (1) Морское пиратство (1) мрежови системи на управление техники за идентифициране/оценяване (1)
МУДБ (1) мултиагентно моделиране и симулации (1) мултимедийни системи (1)
мултимедийни технологии (1) мультипликатор угроз (1) навигация (1)
наводнения (1) Нагорный Карабах (1) надзор (2)
наркотические вещества (1) нарратив (1) НАТО (35)
Национална противопожарна и спасителна служба (1) Национална система за противопожарна защита и спасяване (1) Национална система за управление при извънредни ситуации (1)
национальные интересы (1) национальный интерес (1) Национальный университет обороны (1)
Негосударственные акторы (1) недопущение (1) недостатъци (1)
незаконная торговля (1) незаконная экономика (1) незаконные формирования (1)
нейробиология (1) нео-авторитаризм (1) неоиндустриална икономика (1)
неопределенность (1) нераспространение (1) нетрадиционные угрозы (1)
нетрансферабельные инвестиции (1) нива на зрялост (1) нишови способности (1)
Новый порядок (1) нормы (1) обеспечение правопорядка (1)
области за киберсигурност (1) обмен информацией (2) обмен информации (1)
обобщена картина на значимост (1) оборона (4) оборонная реформа (1)
оборонное планирование на основе способностей (1) оборонное сотрудничество (1) образ жизни (1)
образование (1) образователни технологии (1) обучение (2)
обучение на база на информираност (1) Обща политика за сигурност и отбрана (3) общевойсковые операции (1)
общегосударственный (1) общественная дипломатия (1) общество (1)
ОВСЕ (1) оказание поддержки гражданским властям военными (1) Олимпиада в Сочи (1)
опасност (1) ОПБО (1) оперативная совместимость (3)
операции (1) операции иностранного влияния (1) Операции по стабилизации и восстановлению (1)
операционализация культуры (1) определения устойчивости (1) ОПСО (1)
организационна култура (2) организационная модель (1) организация (2)
организация полиции (1) Организация Североатлантического Договора (1) организованная преступность (4)
ориентированная на результат модель управления (1) основное течение (1) острая сила (1)
отбранителен мениджмънт (1) отбранителна аквизиция (1) отбранителна индустрия (1)
Отбранителна политика (7) отбранителна реформа (1) отбранителни способности (5)
отбранително планиране (1) ответственная наука (1) ответственность за защиту (1)
отвлекающие действия (1) отговор при бедствия (8) отмывание денег (1)
отчетност (3) офицер (1) офицерский корпус (1)
охрана законности и порядка (1) охрана правопорядка (4) оценяване и управление на риска (1)
очак- вана годишна загуба (1) Пакистан (2) панацея (1)
пандемия (4) пандемия COVID-19 (1) парламентарен контрол (1)
парламентарен надзор (1) парламентский контроль (1) парламентский надзор (2)
партизанская война (1) партнерства (1) партнерства Европа-БВСА (1)
партнерство (1) Партнерство ради мира (2) Партньорство за мир (1)
ПВО (1) ПД (1) передовое присутствие сил на передовых рубежах (1)
пересечение границ (1) Перестройка (1) ПИВСН (1)
план действий (1) План действий по обеспечению готовности (1) платформа по кибербезопасности (1)
племенные сети (1) повстанческие сети (1) повстанческое движение (1)
повышение добропорядочности (1) пограничный забор с Россией (1) подготовка (10)
подготовка на войските (1) поддержка гражданских властей со стороны вооруженных сил (1) подотчетность (2)
подрывная деятельность (1) пожари земетресения (1) позитивная критика (1)
позициониране (1) Полисарио (1) политизация (1)
политизация религии (1) политик (1) политика (5)
политика безопасности (3) политика безопасности и обороны (1) политика за интегритет (1)
политика за сигурност (1) политика исследований (1) политика по вопросам климата (1)
политика развития Европей¬ского оборонного союза (1) политики за сигурност (1) политическая ситуация (1)
политическая экономия (1) политические режимы (1) политический анализ (1)
политическое сознание (1) полицентрический мир (1) полиция (2)
полномасштабное вторжение (3) полученные уроки (1) Полша (1)
Полях (1) помощь США в сфере безопасности (1) портфолио от проекти (2)
последствия ИВ для безопасности (1) последствия распространения (1) пост-пандемийные условия (1)
постиндустриална икономика (1) посткоммунистический переходный период (1) постконфликтное восстановление (1)
постправда (1) постсоветская территория (1) постструктурализм (1)
потенциал (1) потенциально пандемические патогены (1) поуки от практиката (1)
ППБС (1) права (1) права человека (1)
право на уважение частной жизни (1) правовая база (2) правовая основа (1)
правоохранительные органы (1) превенция (1) предимства (1)
предшествовавшая дислокации (1) презентации (1) президент Путин (1)
преступная деятельность (1) преступность (1) природни бедствия (1)
проблематизация. (1) провинция Синай (1) прогнозы (1)
програма за киберсигурност (1) програма за развитие (1) Программа совершенствования образования в сфере обороны (1)
проектиране на системи за информационна сигурност (1) прозрачност (4) прозрачность (2)
прокси-война (1) промышленность (1) пропаганда (4)
протести (1) противодействие (1) противодействие на инциденти с киберсигурността (1)
профессионализация (1) профессионализация вооруженных сил (1) Профессиональное военное образование (4)
профил (1) процесс оборонного планирования (1) психологические операции (1)
психология насилия (1) ПСОО (1) публично-частное сотрудничество (1)
Путин (2) Пълно дисково криптиране (1) радикализация (1)
радикализм (1) разведка (8) разведывательные данные (1)
развитие (1) развитие на въоръжените сили (1) развитие отношений (1)
развитие сержантского корпуса (1) разоружение (1) разрешение конфликтов (1)
реакция Запада (1) реальная политика (1) революция (1)
регионализация (1) региональная безопасность (1) региональная динамика (1)
Резолюция ООН 2178 (1) Резолюция СБ ООН 1325 (1) реиндустриализация (1)
рекомендации по политике (1) религиозная доктрина (1) религия (1)
реорганизации C2 (1) ресурси (3) ресурси за отбрана (1)
ресурсна рамка (1) ресурсы (2) реформа в сфере обороны (1)
реформа военной разведки (1) реформа государственной безопасности (1) реформа министерств (1)
реформа на сектора за сигурност (1) реформа полиции (2) реформа разведки (2)
реформа сектора безопасности (1) реформа сектора обороны (1) реформиране на сектора за сигурност (1)
реформирование разведки (1) реформирование разведывательного сектора (1) реформирование сектора безопасности (1)
реформы (2) риск (7) риск бедствий (1)
рисков профил (1) рискове (1) роль Армии обороны Израиля (1)
российская агрессия (1) российская политика (2) Российская Федерация (4)
российско-грузинские отношения; внутренняя политика Грузии; Южная Осетия; Абхазия; международные отношения на Кавказе (1) российско-украинская война (2) российско-украинский конфликт (1)
российское влияние (1) Россия (17) Румъния (1)
русские (1) русско-украинская война (4) самокриптиращ (1)
санкции (1) Саудовская Аравия (1) Сахель (1)
Сахрави (1) САЩ (1) СБУ (1)
связь (1) связь преступность-терроризм (1) сдерживание (7)
Северная Африка (1) Северная Македония (1) Северный Кавказ (1)
сексуальные рабыни (1) сектантский конфликт (1) сектантство (1)
сектор за сигурност (1) сектор обороны и безопасности (1) Сендайская структура (1)
серая зона (1) Сербия (3) сержант (1)
сети (1) сигурност (9) сила (1)
силовая политика (1) силовики. (1) Силы обороны Венгрии (1)
симулации (1) симулационни тренажори (1) Синефин (1)
синтетическая биология (1) Сирия (3) система (1)
система безопасности (2) система за миграция/асимилация (1) система сдержек и противовесов (1)
систематическая коррупция (1) системи за електронно обучение (1) системи за подпомагане вземането на решения (1)
ситуационный анализ (1) Словакия (1) Словения (1)
службы национальной безопасности. (1) служител с пагони (1) смесената дигитална реалност (1)
соблюдение требований (1) Совет Европы (1) совместимость (1)
совместное создание (1) совместный центр комплексирования (1) Соединенное Королевство (1)
создание потенциала (1) создание способностей (1) СОИ (3)
солидарность ЕС (1) Сомали (1) соответствие (1)
соперничество великих сил (1) сотрудничество (8) сотрудничество в области безопасности (1)
сотрудничество в разведке (1) сотрудничество НАТО-ЕС (1) сотрудничество Россия-НАТО (1)
сотрудничество с США в сфере безопасности (1) социализм (1) социална изолация (1)
социални мрежи (1) социальная структура (1) социальные медиа (1)
социальные сети (2) соцсети (1) Спектър на заплахи (1)
специализация (3) специальная военная операция (1) сплоченность (1)
способности (8) способности за сигурност (1) справляться (1)
сравнительное развитие (1) среда за управление на КПУ (1) средства массовой информации (1)
стабилизация (1) стабильность (2) стандарт (1)
стандарти за защита (1) стандартни оперативни процедури (1) статус наблюдателя (1)
стойкость (3) стохастична валидация (1) стра¬тегический обзор обороны (1)
стратегическа карта (1) стратегическая коммуникация (2) стратегические коммуникации (2)
стратегические нарративы (1) стратегические послания. (1) стратегический диалог ЕС-США (1)
стратегический менеджмент (1) стратегический риск (1) стратегическое планирование (1)
стратегическое противоборство (1) стратегическое сдерживание (1) стратегическое управление (1)
стратегия (8) стратегия за развитие (1) стратегия кибербезопасности (1)
Стратегия национальной безопасности (1) строительство институтов обороны (1) строительство институционального потенциала (1)
Строительство Оборонных Институтов (5) структури за управление при кризи (1) структурна реформа (1)
структурная трансформация (1) студенти (1) субкультура (1)
суверенитет (2) Сун Цзы (1) Сухарто (1)
сценарии (1) сценарии за планиране (1) сценарий (1)
США (3) сътрудничество (1) Таджикистан (1)
Тайвань (2) тайная полиция (1) таксономия (2)
таксономия устойчивости (1) тактическое ядерное оружие (1) Талибан (1)
Твиттер (1) теории лидерства (1) теория (1)
теория игр (1) теория сложности (1) теория сложности вычислений (1)
теория управления (1) терроризм (12) террористическое государство (3)
тестове (1) техники (1) техно-социални рискове и заплахи (1)
технологии (1) технология (1) толерантность (1)
топ 10 актуални заплахи (1) торговая политика (1) торговля людьми (1)
трансгранично въздействие (1) трансформация (2) тристълбова система за управление при бедствия (1)
триъгълник на противоречията (1) Тунис (1) Турция (1)
угон автомобилей (1) угроза радикализма (1) угрозы кибербезопасности (1)
уеб услуги (1) Узбекистан (1) уйгуры (1)
Украина (16) Украина7 (1) украинский кризис (1)
Украйна (2) укрепване на отбранителни институции (1) укрепление доверия (1)
улучшение имиджа (1) умения (1) Унгария (1)
университет (1) управление (8) управление данными (1)
управление кадрами (2) управление на проекти/програми (1) Управление при кризи (1)
уравновешивание (1) условия (1) устойчи¬вость (1)
устойчивост (2) устойчивость (6) устойчивость граждан (1)
учебная программа (1) учебные программы вуза (1) учения (1)
уязвимост (1) уязвимости (3) Федерированная информационная система для миссий (1)
фейковые новости (1) фирма (1) формирование имиджа (1)
Франция (1) функции на сигурността (1) функция (1)
фьюжн центр (1) хакери (1) халифат (2)
хибриден конфликт (1) хибридна корпоративна мрежова система (1) хорошее управление (1)
Хофстеде (3) Хуба Васс де Чезе (1) цел (2)
ценности (1) централизация (2) централизирана структура (1)
Централна Азия (2) Центральная Азия (2) Центральная Европа (1)
цифровая грамотность (1) цифровая ответственность (1) человеческое измерение (1)
Черна гора (1) Черногория (2) Чёрное море (1)
черноморская безопасность (1) Черноморский регион (1) Чехословакия (1)
Чечня (1) Чешская Республика (1) членство (1)
Шанхайская организация сотрудничества (1) Шелковый путь (1) Школа НАТО в Обераммергау (2)
экономические последствия (1) экономический рост (1) экосистема (1)
экспедиционные операции (1) экстремизм (1) электронное обучение (2)
эмоциональная война (1) энергетическая безопасность (1) энергетическая геополитика (1)
энергетическая зависимость (2) энергетическая инфраструктура (1) энергетический комплекс (1)
энергоресурсы (1) эскалация (1) этика и государственная служба (1)
эффективность (1) Южная Африка (1) Южная Осетия (1)
Южный Кавказ (2) язык ненависти (2) языковое обучение (1)
языковой национализм (1) Япония (1) “Cost-Effec-tiveness” Analysis. (1)
„balance of consequences“ (1)