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"The conceptual model of information confrontation of virtual communities in social networking services." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10, no. 1 (2020): 1043~1052.
Method of Improving the Information Security of Virtual Communities in Social Networking Services In Proceedings of the CEUR Workshop (2020)., 2020.
Model of Assessment of Information-Psychological Influence in Social Networking Services Based on Information Insurance In Proceedings of the CEUR Workshop., 2020.
"System-dynamic models of destructive informational influence in social networking services." International Journal of 3D Printing 3, no. 2 (2019): 137-146.
"Synergetic Control of Social Networking Services Actors’ Interactions." In Recent Advances in Systems, Control and Information Technology. SCIT 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 543. Cham: Springer, 2017.
"Socialni internet-servisy jak subjekt informacijnoi bezpeky derzhavy." Information Technology and Security 1, no. 6 (2016): 13-20.
"Tehnologija vyjavlennja organizacijnyh oznak informacijnyh operacij u socialnyh internet-servisah." Problemy informacijnyh tehnologij 20 (2016): 84-93.
"Uzagalnena klasyfikacija zagroz informacijnij bezpeci derzhavy v socialnyh internet-servisah." Zashhyta ynformacyy: sb. nauch. trud. NAU 23 (2016): 75-87.
"Metod prognozuvannja dynamiky poshyrennja kontentu j zapytiv na nogo za danymy kontent-analizu povidomlen u socialnyh internet-servisah." Systemy upravlinnja, navigacii ta zv’jazku 4, no. 36 (2015): 60-65.
"Sposib pidtrymannja zadanogo rivnja popytu aktoriv socialnyh internet-servisiv na content." Radioelektronika, informatyka, upravlinnja 4, no. 35 (2015): 113-117.
"Syntez synergetychnogo upravlinnja popytom agentiv na kontent u socialnyh internet-servisah." Informatyka ta matematychni metody v modeljuvanni 5, no. 4 (2015): 330-338.