Export 8060 results:
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"Learning and Teaching in Distance Education: Pedagogical Analyses and Interpretations in an International Perspective. Vol. 18. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2000.
Learning to Filter Spam E-Mail: A Comparison of a Naive Bayesian and a Memory-Based Approach In Machine Learning and Textual Information Access Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD). Lyon, France, 2000.
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"Lisbon Strategy (Lisbon Agenda). Lisbon: European Council, 2000.
Low-Resolution Mathematical Models of Combat In 4th Conference on Modeling in Science. Rijeka: Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences, Technics and Society, 2000.
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"Management and Disposal of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in the European Union, Rep. EUR 1886 . Brussels: CEC, 2000.
Managing Certificates in a Corporate Environment." Annals of Telecommunication 55, no. 7 (2000): 341-351.
"Managing Crisis in the European Union: The Commission and Mad Cow Disease. Vol. 10. Karlstad: Tryckeri AB Knappen: Crismart, The Swedish Agency for Civil Emergency Planning , 2000.
"Managing Risk in the 21st Century. Strategies for Issuing & Acceptance." Visa International 156 (2000).
The Marshall Plan and the Stability Pact–A Comparative Approach." In Stability Pact: Just Around the Corner. Tirana: Albanian Institute for International Studies, 2000, 2000.
"M-Commerce safety fears." IT Week (2000).
"The medium-term strategy for advancing EU-Russia relations during the period 2000-2010. Helsinki: EU-Russia summit held, 2000.
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"A Method for Compilation of Seismic Zoning Prognostic Maps for the Territory of Bulgaria." Geologica Balcanica 12, no. 2 (2000): 3=48.
"Methods for Protecting Password Transmission." Computers and Security 19, no. 5 (2000): 466-469.
"The Middleware Architecture of MAFTIA: A Blueprint In 3rd IEEE Survivability Workshop., 2000.
Military Co-operation in South-Eastern Europe and the Future of Multinational Peace Support Operations. Rome: NATO Defence College, 2000.
The Military, Human Security and the Rule of Law: Civil Military Cooperation in Post-Conflict Peace Processes. Clementsport, Nova Scotia: Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, 2000.
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