
Export 8062 results:
Lindley-French, Julian, and Algieri. "A European Defence Strategy.", 67., 2010.
Force, Royal Air. "Expeditionary Air Wings." (2010).
Falliere, Nicolas. "Exploring Stuxnet’s PLC Infection Process." Symantec Connect (2010).
Davies, Lizzy. "Fatal storm sweeps through France. At least 40 killed as hur¬ricane-force winds and torrential rains bring flooding to central and western France." The Guardian (2010).
Schreurs, Miranda A.. "Federalism and the Climate: Canada and the European Union." International Journal 66:1 (2010).
FILIT: Otvorená filozofická encyklopédia., 2010.
Locher, Anna. "Finland: Crisis Management and Territorial Defence." CSS Analysis in Security Policy 68 (2010).
Bonzanni, Andrea. "For the West, ‘Game Over’ in Central Asia." European Dialogue (2010).
de Dardel, Jean-Jacques. "Foreword." In Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2010.
Turner, John. "From Cottage Industry to International Organisation: The Evolution of Salafi-Ji-hadism and the Emergence of the Al Qaeda Ideology." Terrorism and Political Violence 22 (2010): 542.
Shadian, Jessica. "From States to Polities: Reconceptualizing Sovereignty through Inuit Governance." European Journal of International Relations 16, no. 3 (2010): 485-510.
Ojha, Deo Brat, and Ajay Sharma. "A Fuzzy Commitment Scheme with McEliece’s Cipher." Survey in Mathematics and Its Application 5 (2010): 73-83.
Pincus, Walter. "GAO urges changes in budgeting for national security." Washington Post (2010).
Gazprom’s official website., 2010.
Aldrich, Richard. GCHQ: The Uncensored History of Britain’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency. London: Harper Press, 2010.
Geir Hallingstad and Luc Dandurand, Cyber Defence Capability Framework - Revision 2. The Hague: NATO C3 Agency, 2010.
Roberts, Veronica. General McChrystal Fired., 2010.
Geneva Talks on Caucasus End in Deadlock. AbkhazWorld, 2010.
Mikhelidze, Nona. "The Geneva Talks over Georgia’s Territorial Conflicts: Achievements and Challenges." Istituto Affari Internazionali 10, no. 25 (2010): 3-5.
Grono, Magdalena Frichova. Georgia’s Conflicts: What Role for the EU as Mediator? In Initiative for Peacebuilding. IFP Mediation Cluster, 2010.
Zakareishvili, Paata. "Georgia’s Relationship with Abkhazia." Caucasus Analytical Digest 7, no. 9 (2010): 9.
Masters, Greg. "Global Cybercrime Treaty Rejected at U.N." SCMagazine (2010).
Norris, Robert S., and Hans M. Kristensen. "Global Nuclear Weapons Inventories, 1945–2010." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 66 (2010): 77-83.
Hanks, Reuel R.. Global Security Watch – Central Asia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010.
"Goh Sui Noi, “Positive Spin to China’s Muscle Flexing." The Straits Times (2010).
