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Vesselin Petkov
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Söhret, Mesut
Enerjđ Güvenlđğđ Kapsaminda Nato’nun Ortadoğu Polđtđkasi
." In
International Energy and Security Congress
. Turkey: Kocaeli University, 2014.
Rukavishnikov, Vladimir
The bear and the world: Projections of Russia’s policy after Putin’s return to Kremlin in 2012
Medjunarodni problemi
64, no. 1 (2012): 7-33.
Rukavishnikov, Vladimir
Understanding Putin's Foreign and Security Policy: Lessons from the Russian Transition
." In
Shifting Priorities in Russia's Foreign and Security Policy
, 35-71. Routledge, 2016.
Rukavishnikov, Vladimir
Ageing Russia, possibilities of substantial revolutionary changes and youth-related problems
Medjunarodni problemi
65, no. 3 (2013): 295-314.
Kuru, Ahmet T.
The Rise and Fall of Military Tutelage in Turkey: Fears of Islamism, Kurdism, and Communism
Insight Turkey
14, no. 2 (2012): 37-57.
Garb, Maja
Public trust in the military: The Slovenian Armed Forces in a comparative analysis
Current Sociology
63, no. 3 (2015): 450-469.
Akin, Gülsün Kiliç
Confidence of the University Youth in Armed Forces and Information Sources
." In
Current Topics in Social Sciences
, 474-483. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2016.
Meier-Walser, Reinhard
Die NATO im Funktions- und Bedeutungswandel
. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018.
Meyers, Reinhard
White Knights Versus Dark Vader? On the Problems and Pitfalls of Debating Hybrid Warfare
On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe
, no. 21 (2016).
Taxonomy of Hybrid Warfare: A Perceptional Analysis
. Beyond the horizon, 2016.
Bilban, Christoph
Resilience: Silver Bullet in Challenging Hybrid Warfare?
Resilienz in den Internationalen Beziehungen
., 2015.
Ducheine, Paul A. L.
, and
Frans P. B. Osinga
Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2017: Winning Without Killing:The Strategic and Operational Utility of Non-Kinetic Capabilities in Crises
. Springer, 2017.
C. Apetroe, Alexandru
Hybrid Warfare: From “War During Peace” to “Neo-Imperialist Ambitions”. The Case of Russia
Modelling the New Europe. An On-line Journal
, no. 21 (2016): 97-128.
Laura M. Herța, Russia’s Hybrid Warfare – Why Narratives and Ideational Factors Play a Role in International Politics
Modelling the New Europe, An On-line Journal
, no. 21 (2016): 52-76.
Kleinschmit, Stephen W.
, and
Vickie Edwards
Examining the Ethics of Government-Organized Nongovernmental Organizations (GONGOs)
Journal Public Integrity
19, no. 5 (2017): 529-546.
Kyselova, Tatiana
Mediation in Ukraine: Challenges of Peace and War
. University of Turin, Law Department, 2016.
І.М., Доронін
Правове Регулювання Забезпечення Кібербезпеки у Реалізації Окремих Функцій Держави
Інформація і право
1, no. 20 (2017).
Hammock, CJ
Enabling the Development and Deployment of NATO Cyber Operations: An Analysis of Modern Cyber Warfare Operations and Thresholds of Global Conflict
Journal of Information Warfare
16, no. 3 (2017): 79-94.
Marler, Scott W.
Russian Weaponization of Information and Influence in the Baltic States
. Vol. Master of Military Art and Science Strategic Studies. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2017.
Goedeking, Matthias
Weaponized Information: Russische Desinformationskampagnen 1983-2014
. Vol. Bachelor. Berlin: Universität der Künste, 2017.
Yosić, Mohammed
Russia in a multi-center world: the struggle of influence and hegemony (in Arabic)
. Mecca, 2016.
Borghoff, Uwe M.
, and
Jan-Hendrik Dietrich
Intelligence and Security Studies
." In
50 Jahre Universitäts-Informatik in München
. Berlin, Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer Vieweg, 2017.
Beer, Siegfried
Editorial: Braucht Österreich „Intelligence and Security Studies“ als akademischen Lehrgang?
JIPSS/ Journal for Intelligence Propaganda and Security Studies
10, no. 1 (2016).
Dzhuraev, Emilbek
Russia’s Friendships and its Discontents
., 2017.
Tougaard, Jonathan B.
Russia's National Security Strategy in the Post-Soviet Space
Institute for Culture and Society
. Vol. BA Dissertation. Aarhus University, 2016.
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