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Vesselin Petkov
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Souleimanov, Emil Aslan
, and
Huseyn Aliyev
Chechnya: Ethnography and History
." In
How Socio-Cultural Codes Shaped Violent Mobilization and Pro-Insurgent Support in the Chechen Wars
, 31-44. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Ammons, Carolyn
Women, Peace And Security: A Diverse Future In The Usaf Is A Better Future
Research Report
. Air University, Air War College, 2016.
Hope, Samantha J.
Is it possible to prevent sexual violence as a weapon of war against women, men and children or only to manage the after-effects?
EuroISME’s thesis of the year 2017
., 2017.
Martsenyuk, Tamara
Ganna Grytsenko
, and
Anna Kvi
The “Invisible Battalion”: Women in ATO Military Operations in Ukraine
Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal
, no. 2 (2016).
Магда, Євген
Woman As a Target and Instrument in Hybrid Warfare (Жінка Як Ціль Та Інструмент У Гібридній Війні)
European Political And Law Discourse
4, no. 3 (2017).
Willis, Daniel C.
Countering Putin’s Nuclear-backed Aggression with a Continuous Nuclear-Capable Bomber Presence
Technical Report
. Newport Ri, United States: Naval War College, 2016.
Mastriano, Douglas
Project 1721: A US Army War College Assessment on Russian Strategy in Eastern Europe and Recommendations on how to Leverage Landpower to Maintain the Peace
. Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, 2017.
Hinkle, Katherine T.
Russia's reactions to the color revolutions
. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2017.
Hanifah, Ummu Ro'iyatu N.
Ummu Ro’iyatu Nahdliyati Millati Hanifah, Embargo Ekonomi sebagai Strategi Konfrontasi Uni Eropa terhadap Rusia pada Masa Konflik Ukraina 2013-2015
Jurnal Sospol
3, no. 2 (2017): 169-195.
Елизарьева, Ксения
Политика Европейского Союза на Южном Кавказе
Международные отношения
. Vol. магистерская диссертация. Томск: Национальный Исследовательский Томский государственный университет, 2017.
Doud, Brigham Tyeson
The Middle East Crisis, Rise of the Shia, Russian Growth, and the Loss of American Influence
Global Security Studies
6, no. 4 (2015).
Kremer, Sibbeline
De Veiligheid van Interventie.(Gebrek aan) internationale interventie in Libië en Syrië (2011) in het kader van het defensief realism
. Vol. BA Scriptie. Universiteit Utrecht,, 2016.
Kropp, Allysa
Leveraging Trade Agreements to Meet US Security Aims
Master of Science Degree in Joint, Campaign Planning and Strategy
. National Defense University, Joint Forces Staff College, Joint Advanced Warfighting School, 2016.
Benyon, Richard
Economic Transition In The Western Balkans: An Assessment
Draft Report
. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Economics And Security Committee, 2017.
D’Aleo, Vittorio
Logistics And Supply Chain Management. Four Papers On Economic Growth, Competitiveness And Efficiency
. Vol. Ph.D. University of Messina, Department of Economics, 2016.
Širec, Karin
The Competitiveness of Established Entrepreneurs in Balkan Countries
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development
13, no. 2/3 (2017): 141.
Daskalovski, Zhidas
Solving problems in Europe’s backyard (Urušavanje ili slom demokratije)
. Beograd: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta, 2016.
Sergi, Bruno S.
, and
Giacomo Morabito
Migration and remittances: the rise and fall of Albania and Kosovo in
." In
Migration Waves in Eastern Europe [1990-2015]
, 305-316. European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) (Hrsg.), Auflage, 2017.
Kotromanović, Lucija
Venture Capital i Private Equity Ulaganja na Području Zapadnog Balkana
Ekonomski Fakultet
. Vol. Završni Rad. Sveučilište u Splitu, 2016.
Cavoukian, Kristin
Identity Gerrymandering: How the Armenian State Constructs and Controls “Its” Diaspora
Department of Political Science
. Vol. degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2016.
Nolan, Jennifer L.
Planning for Post-Regime Change Environments: The Introduction of a Post-Regime Environment Planning Partnership (PREPP)
. Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, 2016.
Olsson, Edvin
Effects-based operations-Ett koncept för att skona civila
. Vol. Självständigt arbete., 2017.
Kis, Alexandru
Intercultural Communication In The Military Realm The Role Of Stereotypes
." In
Defense Resources Management In The 21st Century
. Braov, 2016.
Fričová, Alena
Prispieva Rozširovanie Severoatlantickej Aliancie K Šíreniu Demokracie?: Does Enlargement Of North Atlantic Alliance Contribute To Spreading Of Democracy?
Ekonomicko správna fakulta
. Vol. Diplomová Práca. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015.
Moore, Rebecca R.
, and
Damon Coletta
NATO's Return to Europe: Engaging Ukraine, Russia, and Beyond
. Georgetown University Press, 2017.
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