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Shao, Chengcheng
Pik-Mai Hui
Lei Wang
Xinwen Jiang
Alessandro Flammini
Filippo Menczer
, and
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
Anatomy of an Online Misinformation Network
PloS One
13, no. 4 (2018).
Dawki, Richard
The Selfish Gene
. Vol. 199 . Oxford University Press, 2006.
Dunbar, R. I. M.
Neocortex Size as a Constraint on Group Size in Primate
Journal of Human Evolution
22, no. 6 (1992): 469-493.
Lerman, Kristina
Rumi Ghosh
, and
Tawan Surachawala
Social Contagion: An Empirical Study of Information Spread on Digg and Twitter Follower Graphs
arXiv preprint
arXiv:1202.3162 (2012).
Crane, Riley
, and
Didier Sornettette
Robust Dynamic Classes Revealed by Measuring the Response Function of Social System
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
105, no. 41 (2008): 15649-15653.
Stringer, Michael J.
Marta Sales-Pardo
, and
L. A. Nunes Amaral
Statistical Validation of a Global Model for the Distribution of the Ultimate Number of Citations Accrued by Papers Published in a Scientific Journal
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
61, no. 32 (2010): 1377-1385.
Wang, Dashun
Chaoming Song
, and
Albert László Barabási
Quantifying Long-term Scientific Impact
342, no. 6154 (2013): 127-132.
Penner, Orion
Raj K. Pan
Alexander M. Petersen
Kimmo Kaski
, and
Santo Fortunato
On the Predictability of Future Impact in Science
Nature: Scientific Reports
3, no. Article number 3052 (2013).
Aral, Sinan
, and
Dylan Walker
Creating Social Contagion Through Viral Product Design: A Randomized Trial of Peer Influence in Networks
Management Science
57, no. 9 (2011): 1623-1639.
Rogers, Everett M.
Diffusion of Innovations
. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010.
Jamali, Salman
Comment Mining, Popularity Prediction, and Social Network Analysis
. Vol. Ph.D. Thesis. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, 2010.
Leskovec, Jure
Lada A. Adamic
, and
Bernardo A. Huberman
The Dynamics of Viral Marketing
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB)
1, no. 1 (2007): 5.
Newman, Mark
Networks: An Introduction
. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Easley, David
, and
Jon Kleinberg
Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World
. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Goffman, William
, and
Vaun A. Newill
Generalization of Epidemic Theory: An Application to the Transmission of Ideas
204, no. 4955 (1964): 225-228.
Daley, D.J.
, and
D.G. Kendall
Epidemics and Rumours
204, no. 4963 (1964): 1118.
Ugander, Johan
Lars Backstrom
Cameron Marlow
, and
Jon Kleinberg
Structural Diversity in Social Contagion
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
109, no. 16 (2012): 5962-5966.
Weng, Lilian
Alessandro Flammini
Alessandro Vespignani
, and
Filippo Menczer
Competition among Memes in a World with Limited Attention
Nature Scientific Reports
2, no. Article number: 335 (2012).
Competition-Induced Criticality in a Model of Meme Popularity
Physical Review Letters
112, no. 4 (2014): 048701.
Notarmuzi, Daniele
, and
Claudio Castellano
Analytical Study of Quality-Biased Competition Dynamics for Memes in Social Media
arXiv preprint
arXiv:1803.08511 (2018).
Qiu, Xiaoyan
Diego F. M. Oliveira
Alireza Sahami Shirazi
Alessandro Flammini
, and
Filippo Menczer
Limited Individual Attention and Online Virality of Low-quality Information
Nature Human Behaviour
1, no. 7 (2017): 1-22.
Sreenivasan, Sameet
Kevin S. Chan
Ananthram Swami
Gyorgy Korniss
, and
Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Information Cascades in Feed-based Networks of Users with Limited Attention
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
4, no. 2 (2017): 120-128, .
Ciampaglia, Giovanni L.
Azadeh Nematzadeh
Filippo Menczer
, and
Alessandro Flammini
How Algorithmic Popularity Bias Hinders or Promotes Quality
Scientific reports
8, Article number: 15951, no. 1 (2018).
Oliveira, Diego F. M.
, and
Kevin S. Chan
The Effects of Trust and Influence on the Spreading of Low and High Quality Information
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
525, no. C (2019): 657-663.
Cisneros-Velarde, Pedro
Diego F. M. Oliveira
, and
Kevin S. Chan
Spread and Control of Misinformation with Heterogeneous Agents
Complex Networks X (Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Complex Networks CompleNet 2019)
. Cham: Springe, 2019.
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