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Vesselin Petkov
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Karrer, Brian
, and
Mark E. J. Newman
Competing Epidemics on Complex Networks
Physical Review
E 84 (2011): 036106.
Sneppen, Kim
Ala Trusina
Mogens H. Jensen
, and
Stefan Bornholdt
A Minimal Model for Multiple Epidemics and Immunity Spreading
PloS One
5, no. 10 (2010).
Morris, Stephen
The Review of Economic Studies
67, no. 1 (2000): 57-78.
Bailey, Norman T.
The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and Its Applications
. High Wycombe: Bucks: Charles Grin & Company Ltd., 1975.
Gotz, Michaela
Jure Leskovec
Mary McGlohon
, and
Christos Faloutsos
Modeling Blog Dynamics
Proceedings of the Third International ICWSM Conference
., 2009.
Scaling Properties of the Regular Dynamics for a Dissipative Bouncing Ball Model
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
386, no. 1 (2007): 73-78.
Oliveira, Diego F. M.
Rafael A. Bizao
, and
Edson D. Leonel
Scaling Properties of a Hybrid Fermi-Ulam-Bouncer Model
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2009 (2009): 1-14.
Oliveira, Diego F. M.
Marko Robnik
, and
Edson D. Leonel
Statistical Properties of a Dissipative Kicked System: Critical Exponents and Scaling Invariance
Physics Letters
A 376, no. 5 (2012): 723-728.
Oliveira, Diego F. M.
Kevin S. Chan
, and
Edson D. Leonel
Scaling Invariance in a Social Network with Limited Attention and Innovation
Physics Letters
A 382, no. 47 (2018): 3376-3380.
Barabási, Albert László
, and
Reka Albert
Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks
286, no. 5439 (1999): 509-512.
Gill, Ritu
Judithvande Kuijt
Magnus Rossell
, and
Ronnie Johansson
DisinformationintheCyberDomain:Detection, Impact, andCounter-Strategies
." In
24th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium ‘Managing Cyber Risk to Mission’
., 2019.
Waheed, Ahmed W.
The ‘Truth About Pakistan’: Knowledge Production and Circulation in Think Tanks
." In
Constructing 'Pakistan' through Knowledge Production in International Relations and Area Studies
. Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Lafaye, Caroline Guibet
Armes et principes. Éthique de l’engagement politique armé
., 2019.
Kveberg, Torbjørn
Vårin Alme
, and
Sverre Diesen
Defence against foreign influence -a value-based approach to define and assess harm, and to direct defence measures
. Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) , 2019.
Yildirim, Zafer
Russia's Role in the Unification Process of Ukraine to EU: Hinderance or Cause?
" In
Handbook of Research on Social and Economic Development in the European Union
, 435-454., 2020.
de Carvalho, Rodrigo Monteiro
Complementaridade ou Dependência? O Dilema da Armênia Pós-Soviética (Complementarity or Dependence? The Dilemma of the Post-Soviet Armenia)
Revista Conjuntura Global
8, no. 2 (2019): 76-96.
Nemčok, Miroslav
, and
Peter Spáč
The Rise and Sustainability of Party Leaders in Slovakia: Robert Fico and Mikuláš Dzurinda
." In
Party Leaders in Eastern Europe
. Vol. Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Fluri, Philipp
South Caucasus, PME and Intelligence Services’ Transformation in Focus
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 5-6.
Iskandarov, Khayal
Gregory Simons
, and
Piotr Gawliczek
The South Caucasus: Stage for a ‘New Great Game’ between NATO and Russia?
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 7-34.
Iskandarov, Khayal
, and
Piotr Gawliczek
NATO’s Role in Improving Professional Military Education with a Focus on the South Caucasus Countries
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 35-44.
Kozina, Andrija
The Culture of Military School: The Example of the Dr. Franjo Tudjman Croatian Defense Academy
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 45-63.
Michálek, Luděk
, and
Ladislav Pokorný
Transformation of the Security and Intelligence Services in the Czech Republic
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 65-86.
Stieranka, Jozef
, and
Martina Binderová
Transformation of the State Security in the Slovak Republic from 1989 to 1992
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 87-103.
Kudors, Andis
Transformation of Security and Intelligence Services in Latvia
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
18, no. 3 (2019): 105-124.
Hudhra, Thimi
Defense Planning for New NATO countries - Case of Albania
Security and defence faculty Department of Leadership and social sciences
. Vol. doctoral thesis. Republic of Albania: Academy of The Armed Forces, 2018.
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