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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Klabukov, Ilya
, and
Maksim Alekhin
Venturnye fondy i drugie perspektivnye tehnologii dlya nacional’noi ekonomiki [The Venture Funds and Other Prospective Technologies for the National Economy]
SSRN Electronic Journal
(2012): 11.
De Spiegeleire, Stephan
Matthijs Maas
, and
Tim Sweijs
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Defense: Strategic Implications for Small- and Medium-sized Force Providers
. The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, 2017.
Defence in Canada
. Thales, 2020.
On the Approval of the Strategy for Development of the Defence-Industrial Complex of Ukraine for the Period up to 2028
Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
., 2018.
Law “On the National Security of Ukraine”
., 2020.
O'Connor, Joseph
, and
Ian McDermott
Iskusstvo sistemnogo myshlenija [The Art of Systems Thinking]
. Kiev: Nika Centr, 2017.
Johnson, Neil
Two’s Company, Three is Complexity
. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2007.
Anderson, Eva
Six Red Flags: The Most Frequent Corruption Risks in Ukraine’s Defence Procurement
Transparency International Defence and Security and Trans-parency International Ukraine
., 2018.
Chamber of Accounts of Ukraine
Report on the results of the audit of the effectiveness of the use of budgetary funds allocated to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine for the construction (purchase) of housing for viscous employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
., 2018.
The Comprehensive Approach: the point of war is not just to win but to make a better peace
Seventh Report of Session 2009–10
. House of Commons, Defence Committee, 2010.
Zakon Ukrai’ny “Pro derzhavni cil’ovi programy” [Law of Ukraine “On the State Special Programs”]
Vidomosti Verhovnoi’ Rady Ukrai’ny (VVR)
25 (2004): 352.
Moore, James F.
Business ecosystems and the view from the firm
The Antitrust Bulletin
51, no. 1 (2006): 31-75.
Ustymenko, O.V.
, and
V.I. Bilyk
Planuvannja rozvytku spromozhnostej syl oborony Ukrai’ny shhodo protydii’ zagrozam u hodi gibrydnoi’ vijny [Planning for the Development of the Capabilities of the Ukrainian Defence Forces to Counter the Threats During the Hybrid War]
Bulletin of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
2 (2018): 48-52.
Androsik, Yurii
Biznes–jekosistemy kak forma razvitija klasterov [The Business Eco-systems as a Form of Cluster Development]
Trudy BGTU, Belorusskij gosudarstvennyj tehno-logicheskij universitet
7, no. 189 (2016): 38-43.
Polischuk, Oleksandr
Ecosystem Platform for the Defence and Security Sector of Ukraine
Information & Security: An International Journal
45 (2020): 7-19.
Goel, Sanjay
National Cyber Security Strategy and the Emergence of Strong Digital Borders
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 73-86.
Goel, Sanjay
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 87-95.
Tarien, Jaak
National Cyber Defence Policies and the Role of International Cooperation
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 5-7.
Leinhos, Ludwig
Cyber Defence in Germany: Challenges and the Way Forward for the Bundeswehr
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 9-19.
Kaponig, Hermann
Austria’s National Cyber Security and Defense Policy: Challenges and the Way Forward
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 21-37.
Lester, Phil
, and
Sean Moore
Responding to the Cyber Threat: A UK Military Perspective
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 39-44.
Tabansky, Lior
Israel Defense Forces and National Cyber Defense
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 45-62.
Baezner, Marie
Cybersecurity in Switzerland: Challenges and the Way Forward for the Swiss Armed Forces
Connections: The Quarterly Journal
19, no. 1 (2020): 63-72.
White Paper on German Security and the Bundeswehr
., 2016.
Cyber-Risikomatrix 2011
., 2020.
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