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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Ahn, Hyojung
Han-Lim Choi
Minguk Kang
, and
SungTae Moon
Learning-Based Anomaly Detection and Monitoring for Swarm Drone Flights
Applied Sciences
9, no. 24 (2019): 5477.
Nikolic, Nebojsa
Mesto Zapadnog Balkana u agendama Rusije i Turske u kontekstu hibridnih pretnji
Vojno delo
71, no. 7 (2019): 289-305.
Hidayat, Abdiyan Syaiful
Analisis Strategi Pengendalian Laut di Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) II Menggunakan Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional
25, no. 3 (2019).
Park, Sanggun
Tae-gong Lee
, and
Hyunsik Son
A Study on the Mathematical Model of Capability based EA Framework for Align, Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Resource
Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
(2012): 111-120.
Damanik, Yenglis Dongche
Amarulla Octavian
, and
Pujo Widodo
Manajemen penggelaran kekuatan tentara nasional indonesia pada pembentukan Komando Armada III Sorong dalam menghadapi potensi ancaman di wilayah perbatasan Indonesia Timur
Manajemen Pertahanan
5, no. 2 (2019): 1-21.
Nikolić, Dejan Ž.
Mitar Kovač
, and
Vlada M. Mitić
Menadžment u odbrani - osnovne funkcije
Vojno delo
71, no. 1 (2019): 99-126.
Sentyurina, Kristina
Política estatal petrolífera da Rússia e do Brasil no século XXI: os casos da Rosneft e da Petrobras (Oil policies of Russia and Brazil in the XXI century: the cases of Rosneft and Petrobras)
. Vol. Master thesis, Dissertação de mestrado em Ciência Política. Universidade do Minho, 2019.
Тарнавська, Ірина
Інформаційно-Аналітичне Забезпечення Євроінтеграційних Процесів в Україні
. Vol. Дисертація. Дніпро: Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, Міністерство освіти і науки України, 2019.
Lukito, Josephine
Jiyoun Suk
Yini Zhang
Larissa Doroshenko
Sang Jung Kim
Min-Hsin Su
Yiping Xia
Deen Freelon
, and
Chris Wells
The Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: How Russia’s Internet Research Agency Tweets Appeared in U.S. News as Vox Populi
The International Journal of Press/Politics
Bergh, Arild
Massage the message: Modularising software for influence operation detection in social media
., 2019.
Mahalingam, Ravi
Human Trafficking From A Multidisciplinary Perspectives: A Literature Review
Asian Journal of Social Science Research
2, no. 2 (2019).
Mir’atul, Hasanah
Ekuivalensi Terjemahan Hadis Misoginis Kitab Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhāry
. Vol. Masters Thesis. UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2019.
Auliya, Hilyatul
Syarif H Abubakar
, and
Noval Maliki
Pesantren and Tolerance: Looking at the Faces of Santri Tolerance in Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon
Jurnal Penelitian
(2019): 127-136.
Georgiev, Venelin
Demography, Capabilies and Security
IT4Sec Reports
., 2020.
Бизнес и сигурност
. София: Авангард, 2018.
Сугарева, Марта
Демографията като наука и особеноститена демографското развитие на България
Пловдивски университет
1–2 (2017): 466-467.
Бърдаров, Георги
, and
Надежда Илиева
Хоризонт 2030: Демографски тенденции в България
. София: Фондация Фридрих Еберт, 2018.
Национален статистически институт
., 2020.
Timberg, Craig
Net of Insecurity: A Flaw in the Design
The Washington Post
Eddy, Nathan
Gartner: 21 Billion IoT Devices to Invade By 2020
Information Week
Khan, Rafiullah
Sarmad Ullah Khan
Rifaqat Zaheer
, and
Shahid Khan
Future Internet: The Internet of Things Architecture, Possible Applications and Key Challenges
Proceedings of 2012 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT)
. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012.
Yu, Tianlong
Vyas Sekar
Srinivasan Seshan
Yuvraj Agarwal
, and
Chenren Xu
Handling a Trillion (Unfixable) Flaws on a Billion Devices: Rethinking Network Security for the Internet-of-Things
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (ACM)
., 2015.
HP Study Reveals 70 Percent of Internet of Things Devices Vulnerable to Attack
. HP News, 2014.
Federal Trade Commission
Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World
FTC Staff Report
., 2015.
Meltzer, Joshua P.
The Internet, Cross-Border Data Flows and International Trade
SSRN Electronic Journal
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On Inequalities Bounding Imprecision and Nonspecificity Measures of Uncertainty
On the Effectiveness of Measures of Uncertainty of Basic Belief Assignments
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Multi-UAV Mission Planning for Monitoring Critical Infrastructures Considering Failures and Cyberattacks
A Hybrid Intrusion Detection with Decision Tree for Feature Selection
European Conflict Analysis Project (ECAP)
Generalized Net Model of the Water Resources Assessment Process and Water Use Management
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Nanotechnology and Global Security
Nanotechnology and Global Security
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
Hybrid War: High-tech, Information and Cyber Conflicts
The Age of Post-Truth: State Influence and Strategic Communication - Contemporary Security Challenges on Europe’s Eastern Flank:
How Improved Attribution in Cyber Warfare Can Help De-Escalate Cyber Arms Race
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The Summer-Fall 2018 issue of Connections
The Winter 2018 issue of Connections
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