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Vesselin Petkov
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Sagonas, Christos
Epameinondas Antonakos
Georgios Tzimiropoulos
Stefanos Zafeiriou
, and
Maja Pantic
300 Faces In-The-Wild Challenge: Database and Results
Image and Vision Computing
47 (2016): 3-18.
Cao, Chen
Yanlin Weng
Shun Zhou
Yiying Tong
, and
Kun Zhou
FaceWarehouse: A 3D Facial Expression Database for Visual Computing
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
20, no. 3 (2014): 413-425.
Kazemi, Vahid
, and
Josephine Sullivan
One millisecond face alignment with an ensemble of regression trees
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
. Ohio USA, 2014.
Cootes, Tim
An Introduction to Active Shape Models
." In
Image processing and analysis
, 223-248. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
A. Kumar, Vinay
V. V. Ram Prasad
K. M. Bhurchandi
Vishal Satpute
Lizy Pious
, and
S. Kar
Dense Reconstruction of 3D Human Face Using 5 Images and No Reference Model
4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2017
., 2017.
Piotraschke, Marcel
, and
Volker Blanz
Automated 3D Face Reconstruction from Multiple Images Using Quality Measures
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016
., 2016.
Huber, Patrik
Guosheng Hu
Rafael Tena
Pouria Mortazavian
Willem P. Koppen
William J. Christmas
Matthias Rätsch
, and
Josef Kittler
A Multiresolution 3D Morphable Face Model and Fitting Framework
11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications SciTePress, 2016
., 2016.
Gerig, Thomas
Andreas Morel-Forster
Clemens Blumer
Bernard Egger
Marcel Luthi
Sandro Schoenborn
, and
Thomas Vetter
Morphable Face Models - An Open Framework
13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), 2018
., 2018.
Prados, Emmanuel
, and
Olivier Faugeras
Shape From Shading
." In
Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision
, 375-388. Boston, MA: USA: Springer, 2006.
O’Shea, Keiron
, and
Ryan Nash
An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Computing Research Repository (CoRR)
(2015): 1-11.
Deng, Yu
Jiaolong Yang
Sicheng Xu
Dong Chen
Yunde Jia
, and
Xin Tong
Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction With Weakly-Supervised Learning: From Single Image to Image Set
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2019
., 2019.
Hassner, Tal
Viewing Real-World Faces in 3D
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013
. Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Jiang, Luo
Juyong Zhang
Bailin Deng
Hao Li
, and
Ligang Liu
3D Face Reconstruction with Geometry Details from a Single Image
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
27, no. 10 (2018): 4756-4770.
Mehta, Prateek
Celebrity Face Recognition Dataset
., 2017.
Chalas, Igor
Petra Urbanova
Mikolas Jurda
Zuzana Ferkova
Katarina Furmanova
Barbora Kozikova
, and
Jiri Sochor
FIDENTIS Analyst 1.3.2
., 2015.
Ferkova, Zuzana
Comparison and Analysis of Multiple 3D Shapes
. Vol. MSc thesis. Brno, Czech Republic: Masarykova Univerzita, 2016.
Lande, Dmytro
Igor Subach
, and
Yu. Boyarinova
Fundamentals of the theory and practice of data mining in the field of cyber security: a textbook
. Kyiv: Institute of Special Communications and Information Protection of National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», 2018.
Boyd, Danah
, and
Kate Crawford
Critical questions for Big Data
Journal Information, Communication & Society
15, no. 5 (2012): 662-679.
Layton, Robert
, and
Paul Watters
Automating open source intelligence: algorithms for OSINT
. Rockland, MA, United States: Syngress Media, 2016.
Akhgar, Babak
Saskia P. Bayerl
, and
Fraser Sampson
Open Source Intelligence Investigation: From Strategy to Implementation
. Springer International Publishing AG, 2016.
Wiil, Uffe Kock
Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence
. Wien: Springer-Verlag, 2011.
Appel, Edward J.
Cybervetting: Internet Searches for Vetting, Investigations, and Open-Source Intelligence
. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2014.
Foreman, John
Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight
. Wiley, 2013.
Marz, Nathan
, and
James Warren
Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems
. Manning, 2012.
Cielen, Davy
Arno Meysman
, and
Mohamed Ali
Introducing Data Science. Big Data, Machine Learning, and More, Using Python Tools
. Manning Publications Co., 2016.
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