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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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Sliuzas, R.
Risk Management Planning
In Science for DRM 2020: Acting Today, Protecting Tomorrow
M., Spremić
Šimunic A.
Ao S.I.
L. Gelman
D.W.L Hukins
A Hunter
, and
A.M. Korsunsky
Cyber Security Challenges in Digital Economy
World Congress on Engineering WCE
. Vol. vol. I. London, UK, 2018.
J., Singh
Reed C.
Cobbe J.
Crowcroft J.
, and
Millard C.
Accountability in the IOT: Systems, Law, and Ways Forward
51, no. 7 (2018): 54-65.
S., Boeke
National cyber crisis management: Different European approaches
31, no. 3 (2018): 449-464.
R., Rondelez
Governing Cyber Security through Networks: An Analysis of Cyber Security Coordination in Belgium
International Journal of Cyber Criminology
12, no. 1 (2018): 300-315.
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European cybersecurity industrial, technology and research competence centre and a network of national coordination centres
. COM, 2020.
Establishing and operating a pilot for a Cybersecurity Competence Network to develop and implement a common Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap
. ID: SU-ICT-03-2018, 2020.
-Matos, Camarinha
H. Afsarmanesh
N. Galeano
A Molina
, and
Collaborative Networked Organizations – Concepts and Practice in Manufacturing Enterprises
Computers & Industrial Engineering
57, no. 1 (2009): 46-60.
L., Ouyang
Yuan Y.
, and
Wang F.-Y.
A Blockchain-based Framework for Collaborative Production in Distributed and Social Manufacturing
." In
IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics 2019 SOLI 2019
. Zhengzhou, China, 2019.
R., Ziolkowski
Miscione G.
, and
Schwabe G.
Consensus through Blockchains: Exploring Governance across Inter-organizational Settings
." In
International Conference on Information Systems 2018, ICIS 2018
. San Francisco, CA, , 2018.
W., Buchanan
Thuemmler C.
Prajapati B.
Spyra G.
Smales A.
Thuemmler C.
, and
Bai C.
Towards Trust and Governance in Integrated Health and Social Care Platforms
." In
Health 4.0: How Virtualization and Big Data are Revolutionizing Healthcare
, 219-231. Switzerland: Springer, 2017.
B., Kumar
The (In) Security of Smart Cities: Vulnerabilities, Risks, Mitigation and Prevention
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
8, no. 5 (2019): 464-470.
P., Radanliev
De Roure D.
Nurse J.R.C.
Nicolescu R.
Huth M.
Cannady S.
, and
Montalvo R.M.
Integration of Cyber Security Frameworks, Models and Approaches for Building Design Principles for the Internet-of-Things in Industry 4.0.
Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT
Su, Z.
W.F. Ouedraogo
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
L. Xu
Afsarmanesh H.
, and
F. Biennier
A Governance Framework for Mitigating Risks and Uncertainty in Collaborative Business Processes
Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services
(2012): 667-674.
Bilal, M.
N. Daclin
V. Chapurlat
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
, and
H. Afsarmanesh
Collaborative Networked Organizations as System of Systems: A Model-Based Engineering Approach
Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
434 (2014): 227-234.
M., Hütten
The Soft Spot of Hard Code: Blockchain Technology, Network Governance and Pitfalls of Technological Utopianism
Global Networks
19, no. 3 (2019): 329-348.
J., Saleem
Hammoudeh M.
Raza U.
Adebisi B.
Adebisi B.
, and
Ande R.
IoT Standardisation: Challenges, Perspectives and Solution
2nd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
. Amman, Jordan, 2018.
K.E., Eichensehr
Public-Private Cybersecurity
Texas Law Review
95, no. 3 (2017): 467-538.
L., Newlove-Eriksson
Giacomello G.
, and
Eriksson J.
The Invisible Hand? Critical Information Infrastructures, Commercialisation and National Security
International Spectator
53, no. 2 (2018): 124-140.
I.M., Skierka
The Governance of Safety and Security Risks in Connected Healthcare
." In
Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT
. London, UK, 2018.
Radanliev, P.
D.C. De Roure
J.R.C. Nurse
R.M Montalvo
S Cannady
O. Santos
L.T. Maddox
P. Burnap
, and
C. Maple
Future Developments in Standardisation of Cyber Risk in the Internet of Things (IoT)
SN Applied Sciences
2, no. 169 (2020).
Leppänen, A.
, and
T. Kankaanranta
Co-production of Cybersecurity: A Case of Reported Data System Break-ins
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal
21, no. 1 (2020): 78-94.
A., Deljoo
Van Engers T.
Koning R.
Gommans L.
, and
De Laat C.
Towards Trustworthy Information Sharing by Creating Cyber Security Alliances
17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications
. New York, USA, 2018.
N.C., Narendra
Norta A.
Mahunnah M.
Ma L.
, and
Maggi F.M.
Sound Conflict Management and Resolution for Virtual-Enterprise Collaborations
Service Oriented Computing and Applications
10, no. 3 (2016): 233-251.
Nurse, J.R.C.
P. Radanliev
S. Creese
, and
D. De Roure
If You Can't Understand It, You Can't Properly Assess It! The Reality of Assessing Security Risks in Internet of Things Systems
." In
Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT
. London, UK, 2018.
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The Summer-Fall 2018 issue of Connections
The Winter 2018 issue of Connections
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