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Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal
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Vesselin Petkov
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A., Wulf
, and
Butel L.
Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Relationships in Business Ecosystems and Networks: A Definition and a Demarcation
Industrial Management and Data Systems
117, no. 7 (2017): 1407-1425.
Rantos, K.
A. Spyros
A. Papanikolaou
A. Kritsas
C.A. Ilioudis
, and
A. Katos
Interoperability Challenges in the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Ecosystem
9, no. 1 (2020): 18.
N.M., Scala
Reilly A.C.
Goethals P.L.
, and
Cukier M.
Risk and the Five Hard Problems of Cybersecurity
Risk Analysis
39, no. 10 (2019): 2119-2126.
J.P., Kalkman
, and
Wieskamp L.
Cyber Intelligence Networks: A Typology
International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs
21, no. 1 (2019): 4-24.
Tapia, R.S.
Converging on Business-IT Alignment Best Practices: Lessons Learned from a Dutch Cross-Governmental Partnership
." In
2009 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE)
. Leiden, Netherlands, 2009.
Rabelo, R.J.
S.N. Costa
D. Romero
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
, and
H. Afsarmanesh
A Governance Reference Model for Virtual Enterprises
." In
Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
, 60-70. Vol. 434. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.
Slayton, R.
Governing Uncertainty or Uncertain Governance? Information Security and the Challenge of Cutting Ties
Science Technology and Human Values
J., Pohle
Multistakeholder Governance Processes as Production Sites: Enhanced Cooperation in the Making
Internet Policy Review 2016
5, no. 3 (2016).
A., Feenberg
The Internet as Network, World, Co-construction, and Mode of Governance
Information Society
35, no. 4 (2019): 229-243.
Kvale, S.
, and
S. Brinkmann
InterViews: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing
. 2nd ed. Los Angeles, CA, 2009.
Brymann, A.
Social Research Methods
. 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Tagarev, Todor
Governance of Collaborative Networked Organisations Requirements
." In
11th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies DESSERT 2020
. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020.
Mortati, M.
Systemic Aspects of Innovation and Design: The Perspective of Collaborative Networks
. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2013.
Grippa, F.
J. Gluesing
K. Riopelle
P. Gloor
, and
J. Leitão
Collaborative Innovation Networks: Building Adaptive and Resilient Organizations
. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018.
Kandjani, H.
P. Bernus
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
H. Afsarmanesh
, and
L. Xu
Towards a Cybernetic Theory and Reference Model of Self-designing Complex Collaborative Networks
." In
Collaborative Net-works in the Internet of Services
, 485-493. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
Hovorka, D.S.
, and
K.R. Larsen
Enabling Agile Adoption Practices through Network Organizations
European Journal of Information Systems
15, no. 2 (2006): 159-168.
Crawford, K.
H.M. Hasan
L. Warne
, and
H. Linger
From Traditional Knowledge Management in Hierarchical Organizations to a Network Centric Paradigm for a Changing World
Emergence: Complexity & Organization
11, no. 1 (2009): 1-8.
Jackson, P.
A. Cardoni
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
H. Afsarmanesh
, and
R. Fornasiero
Organizational Design and Collaborative Networked Organizations in a Data-Rich World: A Cybernetics Perspective
." In
Collaboration in a Data-Rich World, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
, 185-193. Vol. 506. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017.
Durugbo, C.
Collaborative Networks: A Systematic Review and Multi-level Framework
International Journal of Production Research
54, no. 12 (2016): 3749-3776.
Noran, O.
, and
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
Towards a Meta-Methodology for Collaborative Networked Organisations. In Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks
." In
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
. Vol. 149. Boston, MA: Springer, 2004.
Jung, K.
Sources of Organizational Resilience for Sustainable Communities: An Institutional Collective Action Perspective
9, no. 7 (2017): 1141.
Krčo, S.
R. Van Kranenburg
M. Lončar
X. Ziouvelou
, and
F. McGroarty
Digitization of Value Chains and Ecosystems
." In
Digital Business Models: Driving Transformation and Innovation
, 81-116. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 2019.
Romero, D.
, and
A. Molina
Collaborative Networked Organisations and Customer Communities: Value Co-Creation and Co-Innovation in the Networking Era
Journal of Production Planning & Control
22, no. 4 (2011): 447-472.
Capodieci, A.
A.L. Guido
L. Mainetti
, and
U. Barchetti
Collaborative Process Management for the Networked Enterprise: A Case Study
." In
26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops
. WAINA, 2012.
Hovorka, D.S.
, and
K.R. Larsen
Increasing Absorptive Capacity through Strategic use of Network Organizations
." In
11th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS
. Omaha, Nebraska, USA, 2005.
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