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Vesselin Petkov
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Farazmand, A
Introduction – Crisis and Emergency Management
." In
Handbook of Crisis and Emergency Management.
. New York/ Basel: Marcel Dekker, 2001.
Societal Security – Guideline for Incident Preparedness and Operational Continuity Management
. International Organization for Standardization. , 2007.
Skertchly, A.
, and
K. Skertchly
Catastrophe management: Coping with totally unexpected extreme disasters
Australian Journal of Emergency Management
16, no. 1 (2001): 23-33.
He, Qihao
Climate Change and Catastrophe Management in a Changing China
. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2019.
Is Your Business Protected?
Management Review
84, no. 8 (1995): 43-45.
Herman, C.F.
Some Consequences of Crisis Which Limit the Viability of Organizations
Administrative Science Quarterly
81, no. 1 (1963): 61-82.
Rosenthal, U.
, and
A. Kouzmin
Crises and Crisis Management: Toward Comprehensive Government Decision Making.
. Leiden, The Netherlands: Leiden University, 1997.
Wittacker, H.
State Comprehensive Emergency Management.
. Minneapolis, MN: Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, 1979.
Petiet, P.
Updated Project Handbook
. Deliverable D911.10. DRIVER+ project, 2017.
Malešič, M.
Poročanje medija sputnik news in odziv nanj v kontekstu strateškega komuniciranja med rusko federacijo in evropsko unijo .
Teorija in Praksa
57, no. 1 (2020): 189-209.
Waugh, W.L.
, and
G. Streib
Collaboration and Leadership for Effective Emergency Management.
Public Administration Review
66, no. 66(s1) (2006): 131-140.
Wise, C.
Organizing for Homeland Security After Katrina: Is Adaptive Management What's Missing?
Public Administration Review
66, no. 3 (2006): 302-318.
McKelvey, B.
Organizational Systematics – Taxonomy, Evolution, Classification.
. Oakland, CA: University of California Press:, 1982.
Alexander, D.
From Civil Defence to Civil Protection – and Back Again.
Disaster Prevention and Management
11, no. 3 (2002): 209-213.
Löscher, M.
ResiStand Handbook
. Deliverable D1.1. ResiStand project, 2016.
National Governors’ Association. Comprehensive Emergency Management:A Governor’s Guide.
. Washington, D.C.: Center for Policy Research: , 1997.
Boin, A.
P Hart
E. Stern
, and
B. Sundelius
The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure.
. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Neal, D.
Reconsidering the Phases of Disaster.
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
17, no. 2 (1997): 239-264.
Spear, A.D.
, and
B. Smith
Defining ‘Function’.
." In
Third International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies IWOOD 2015
. Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
R., Meersman
Dillon T.
Herrero P.
L. Bountouri
M. Gergatsoulis
, and
C. Papatheodorou
Modelling the Public Sector Information through CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model.
." In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2010 Workshops, 2010.
Pearson, C.M.
, and
I.I. Mitroff
From Crisis Prone to Crisis Prepared: A Framework for Crisis Management.
The Executive
7, no. 1 (1993): 48-59.
Stolk, D.
Aftermath Crisis Management – Approaches and Solutions
. Deliverable D5.1. ACRIMAS project, 2011.
Fayol, H.
General and Industrial Management
. London: Pitman, 1949.
Boyd, J.
The Essence of Winning & Losing
. Unpublished manuscript, 1995.
McKay, B.
, and
K. McKay
The Tao of Boyd: How to Master the OODA Loop.
." In
The Art of Manliness
., 2020.
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